GOLD 🡒 Sweden BIN List

Table of Contents

Country Issuer Information

Flag Code Name Numeric Latitude Longitude
Sweden IIN / BIN List SE Sweden 752 60.128161 18.643501

GOLD 🡒 Sweden : IIN / BIN List

BIN Network Company Card Type Card Level
45302840 VISA credit GOLD
45302852 VISA credit GOLD
45302826 VISA credit GOLD
48068292 VISA credit GOLD
48068284 VISA credit GOLD
45302841 VISA credit GOLD
48068268 VISA credit GOLD
48115398 VISA credit GOLD
52824897 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
45302822 VISA credit GOLD
52824890 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
48068291 VISA credit GOLD
48068267 VISA credit GOLD
48115389 VISA credit GOLD
48068283 VISA credit GOLD
45302829 VISA credit GOLD
48174434 VISA credit GOLD
45302823 VISA credit GOLD
48068290 VISA credit GOLD
48068285 VISA credit GOLD
48068269 VISA credit GOLD
45302828 VISA credit GOLD
54941541 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
48115388 VISA credit GOLD
45302853 VISA credit GOLD
48174435 VISA credit GOLD
48068289 VISA credit GOLD
48115387 VISA credit GOLD
45302842 VISA credit GOLD
45302831 VISA credit GOLD
54603920 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
48068275 VISA credit GOLD
453912 VISA credit GOLD
48174432 VISA credit GOLD
453900 VISA credit GOLD
45302821 VISA credit GOLD
48068287 VISA credit GOLD
45302858 VISA credit GOLD
45302850 VISA credit GOLD
52143275 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
48068294 VISA credit GOLD
458125 VISA debit GOLD
48068286 VISA credit GOLD
45302830 VISA credit GOLD
48068276 VISA credit GOLD
52824893 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
48174433 VISA credit GOLD
48068264 VISA credit GOLD
48068273 VISA credit GOLD
48174431 VISA credit GOLD
48068293 VISA credit GOLD
48115391 VISA credit GOLD
45302851 VISA credit GOLD
45302856 VISA credit GOLD
51804792 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
48068266 VISA credit GOLD
51552904 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
48174436 VISA credit GOLD
51808490 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
48115392 VISA credit GOLD
52824892 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
48068274 VISA credit GOLD
48115390 VISA credit GOLD
45302844 VISA credit GOLD
45302857 VISA credit GOLD
49876499 VISA credit GOLD
48068265 VISA credit GOLD
48068288 VISA credit GOLD
52824891 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
45302838 VISA credit GOLD

4440 more IIN / BIN ...

GOLD 🡒 Sweden : Countries

Sweden IIN / BIN List Sweden (125 BINs)

GOLD 🡒 Sweden : List of BINs from Banks

La Confederation Des Caisses Populaires Et D'econo (38 BINs found) Mid America Bank, F.s.b. (33 BINs found) Bank Of America (2 BINs found) Jpmorgan Chase Bank, N.a. (2 BINs found)
Nordea Bank Ab (2 BINs found) Teller, A.s. (2 BINs found) Banque Invik, S.a. (1 BINs found) Card Services For Credit Unions, Inc. (1 BINs found)
DANSKE BANK AKTIESELSKAB, DENMARK, SWEDEN BRANCH (1 BINs found) Eurocard Ab (1 BINs found) Hsbc Bank Usa, N.a. (1 BINs found) Marginalen Bank Bankaktiebolag (1 BINs found)
Mellon Bank, N.a. (1 BINs found) Metabank (1 BINs found) Midwest Payment Systems, Inc. (1 BINs found) Svenska Handelsbanken Ab (publ) (1 BINs found)
Swedbank Ab (1 BINs found) Visa Sweden Association (1 BINs found)

GOLD 🡒 Sweden : Card Networks

VISA (99 BINs found) MASTERCARD (26 BINs found)

GOLD 🡒 Sweden : Card Types

credit (124 BINs found) debit (1 BINs found)
GOLD 🡒 Sweden BIN List

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