Example: 434344 or 46916961

What is Bank Identification Number (BIN) ?

Bank Identification Number (BIN) is the first 6 digits of payment cards number or a bank card number. The experts also referred BIN to Issuer Identification Number (IIN). BIN is part of ISO/IEC 7812. BIN definition is part of the making of debit cards, credit cards, gift cards, and store-value cards among other similar cards.

Merchants widely use Bank Identification Number to check-mate mal-practices such as fraud. BIN is useful, and it helps in determining whether a buyer is the real owner of the card.

What Does This New BIN Checker do ?

BIN Checker Service
BIN Checker Service

We designed this BIN tool to check the existence of a BIN number in our database. 100% free. It is very important for a merchant to check the BIN of their users’ credit cards frequently. Otherwise, fraudsters and money launderers can exceptionally thrive in their dirty businesses. Credit card fraud has become common in today’s world. A good way of preventing credit card fraud is by looking up BIN range data via this app.

Once you input a BIN number, the system would perform first verify if the input is valid. Second, it would try to check for a match in our premium BIN database. Last, it would return all the relevant data of the BIN search. Such as: number, card type, scheme, category, bank issuer, card issuing country, currency... You then can match this information against that of a user to determine what to do next.

Why to check the BIN ?

There are so many reasons to use this app. One of those reasons is that it provides regular updates. Not all BIN checker software you will find out there provides accurate results. You should be very careful when picking up a BIN checker software. Be sure to select the one offering accurate information. A good BIN checker should provide over 90% in accuracy. Our BIN lookup can go as high as 99.99% in accuracy as we proactively update our database.

You would notice a good BIN software should be easy to use. It should be user friendly with loads of options to control the output data.

If you plan to integrate a BIN checking process into your real time checkout system, pick a responsive, quick, and complete BIN checker. Otherwise, it may slow down your operations in terms of payment processing and identity verification. Your users will get upset. Financial loss is inevitable.

How to check it ?

By definition above, examples of some GOOD BIN inputs:

  • 434322 (4 digit BIN without space)
  • 4143 44 (6 digit BIN with spaces)
  • 4343443 (7 digit BIN)
  • 43434431 (8 digit BIN)

Examples of some BAD BIN inputs:

  • VISA Card
  • USA number
  • Captain Hook
  • 434 MC 323

BIN Check Output Sample

1 result(s) found

BIN 415417
Type credit
Scheme VISA
Issuer Url http://www.capitalone.com
Issuer Phone 800-955-7070
Country United States
Country Code US
Latitude 37.09024
Longitude -95.712891
Currency USD (United States dollar)
Country Image BIN Checker Example BIN 415417

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