GOLD 🡒 Banque Invik, S.a. BIN List

Table of Contents

GOLD 🡒 Banque Invik, S.a. : IIN / BIN List

BIN Network Company Card Type Card Level
45676752 VISA credit GOLD
45676997 VISA credit GOLD
45676973 VISA credit GOLD
45675794 VISA credit GOLD
45676669 VISA credit GOLD
45676657 VISA credit GOLD
45677362 VISA credit GOLD
45675759 VISA credit GOLD
45675797 VISA credit GOLD
45676693 VISA credit GOLD
45676681 VISA credit GOLD
45676799 VISA credit GOLD
45677371 VISA credit GOLD
45676995 VISA credit GOLD
45676971 VISA credit GOLD
45676751 VISA credit GOLD
45676990 VISA credit GOLD
45676775 VISA credit GOLD
45676652 VISA credit GOLD
534226 MASTERCARD debit GOLD
45676753 VISA credit GOLD
45676676 VISA credit GOLD
45676777 VISA credit GOLD
45676962 VISA credit GOLD
45677363 VISA credit GOLD
45675793 VISA credit GOLD
45676670 VISA credit GOLD
45676694 VISA credit GOLD
45676794 VISA credit GOLD
45676993 VISA credit GOLD
45676970 VISA credit GOLD
45677399 VISA credit GOLD
45676699 VISA credit GOLD
45675758 VISA credit GOLD
45675773 VISA credit GOLD
45675777 VISA credit GOLD
45677358 VISA credit GOLD
45676766 VISA credit GOLD
45675755 VISA credit GOLD
45677380 VISA credit GOLD
45676779 VISA credit GOLD
45676691 VISA credit GOLD
45676975 VISA credit GOLD
45676664 VISA credit GOLD
45676774 VISA credit GOLD
45677366 VISA credit GOLD
45676953 VISA credit GOLD
45676797 VISA credit GOLD
45676795 VISA credit GOLD
45677383 VISA credit GOLD
543802 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
45676987 VISA credit GOLD
45675778 VISA credit GOLD
45676991 VISA credit GOLD
45676967 VISA credit GOLD
45676771 VISA credit GOLD
45676791 VISA credit GOLD
45676682 VISA credit GOLD
45677384 VISA credit GOLD
45676651 VISA credit GOLD
45676950 VISA credit GOLD
45675751 VISA credit GOLD
45675771 VISA credit GOLD
45675775 VISA credit GOLD
45675795 VISA credit GOLD
45677387 VISA credit GOLD
45675750 VISA credit GOLD
45675774 VISA credit GOLD
45676678 VISA credit GOLD
45676757 VISA credit GOLD

9899 more IIN / BIN ...

GOLD 🡒 Banque Invik, S.a. : Countries

Luxembourg IIN / BIN List Luxembourg (257 BINs) Belgium IIN / BIN List Belgium (1 BINs) Sweden IIN / BIN List Sweden (1 BINs)

GOLD 🡒 Banque Invik, S.a. : List of BINs from Banks

Banque Invik, S.a. (259 BINs found)

GOLD 🡒 Banque Invik, S.a. : Card Networks

VISA (253 BINs found) MASTERCARD (6 BINs found)

GOLD 🡒 Banque Invik, S.a. : Card Types

credit (258 BINs found) debit (1 BINs found)
GOLD 🡒 Banque Invik, S.a. BIN List

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