534 more IIN / BIN ...
VISA (27978 BINs found) | MASTERCARD (12262 BINs found) | AMEX (102 BINs found) |
traditional (9552 BINs found) | gold (8710 BINs found) | business (5074 BINs found) | cirrus (3641 BINs found) |
standard immediate debit (1955 BINs found) | corporate (1930 BINs found) | platinum (1801 BINs found) | infinite (1681 BINs found) |
standard (1377 BINs found) | standard prepaid (740 BINs found) | electron (668 BINs found) | gold immediate debit (624 BINs found) |
mbs (470 BINs found) | credit business prepaid (359 BINs found) | credit (293 BINs found) | null (269 BINs found) |
world (170 BINs found) | maestro (162 BINs found) | commercial business (115 BINs found) | american express (102 BINs found) |
prepaid (88 BINs found) | prepaid gold (81 BINs found) | classic (78 BINs found) | unembossed prepaid student (70 BINs found) |
gold premium (38 BINs found) | purchasing (34 BINs found) | proprietary (33 BINs found) | debit (32 BINs found) |
platinium (25 BINs found) | prepaid maestro other (20 BINs found) | corporate business prepaid (18 BINs found) | v pay (17 BINs found) |
standard deferred (15 BINs found) | commercial debit (14 BINs found) | world debit embossed (13 BINs found) | world embossed (13 BINs found) |
world signia immediate debit (13 BINs found) | debit other 2 embossed (8 BINs found) | premier (5 BINs found) | corporate t (4 BINs found) |
corporate t e (4 BINs found) | business premium debit (3 BINs found) | credit immediate debit (3 BINs found) | platinum immediate debit (3 BINs found) |
signature (3 BINs found) | debit business (2 BINs found) | debit business prepaid workplace business to business (2 BINs found) | new world (2 BINs found) |
new world immediate debit (2 BINs found) | black (1 BINs found) | business immediate debit (1 BINs found) | commercial corp (1 BINs found) |
preferred business (1 BINs found) | prepaid debit consumer incentive (1 BINs found) | prepaid debit payroll (1 BINs found) |
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