France (FR) 🡒 VISA BIN List

Table of Contents

Country Issuer Information

Flag Code Name Numeric Latitude Longitude
France IIN / BIN List FR France 250 46.227638 2.213749

France (FR) 🡒 VISA : IIN / BIN List

BIN Network Company Card Type Card Level
49900518 VISA debit TRADITIONAL
49834262 VISA debit INFINITE
497801107 VISA debit ELECTRON
40100685 VISA debit PLATINUM
45584457 VISA credit PLATINUM
49834168 VISA credit PLATINUM
49754271 VISA credit GOLD
497536871 VISA debit BUSINESS
49780298 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
43831559 VISA debit TRADITIONAL
49901137 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
497593861 VISA debit GOLD
497915 VISA credit GOLD PREMIUM
49794610 VISA debit GOLD
497424848 VISA credit BUSINESS
497422587 VISA debit BUSINESS
49756775 VISA debit TRADITIONAL
49785871 VISA credit GOLD
45584862 VISA debit GOLD
49744799 VISA credit BUSINESS
49783118 VISA debit ELECTRON
49786843 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
49757138 VISA credit GOLD
49794944 VISA debit INFINITE
49903056 VISA debit BUSINESS
49786009 VISA credit GOLD
49753011 VISA debit INFINITE
49779977 VISA credit BUSINESS
45583831 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
49784749 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
497427687 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
497235 VISA debit ELECTRON
49902279 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
49900100 VISA debit TRADITIONAL
497585833 VISA debit BUSINESS
48370106 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
49789963 VISA credit GOLD
497593865 VISA debit GOLD
45583816 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
49782790 VISA credit GOLD
49756281 VISA debit GOLD
497422631 VISA debit BUSINESS
40748191 VISA credit CORPORATE
49834419 VISA debit GOLD
49782268 VISA debit BUSINESS
49785815 VISA credit GOLD
49900171 VISA debit TRADITIONAL
49770264 VISA credit GOLD
49834072 VISA debit PLATINUM
48114335 VISA debit TRADITIONAL
49753047 VISA debit GOLD
497549898 VISA debit BUSINESS
49751805 VISA credit INFINITE
48370144 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
49757134 VISA credit GOLD
497516808 VISA debit BUSINESS
497413 VISA credit INFINITE
49785899 VISA credit GOLD
49754261 VISA credit GOLD
49785803 VISA credit GOLD
49900624 VISA debit GOLD
43831440 VISA debit GOLD
49777773 VISA debit GOLD
49834130 VISA credit PLATINUM
49774550 VISA debit GOLD
49770905 VISA debit TRADITIONAL
49902299 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
497575886 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
497572 VISA credit NULL

612 more IIN / BIN ...

France (FR) 🡒 VISA : List of BINs from Banks

Natixis (8465 BINs found) Caisse Nationale Des Caisses D'epargne (cnce) (4393 BINs found) CAISSE NATIONALE DES CAISSES D'EPARGNE (CNCE) (1001 BINs found) Credit Agricole, S.a. (996 BINs found)
Caisse Centrale De Credit Mutuel (850 BINs found) Credit Industriel Et Commercial (489 BINs found) La Poste (486 BINs found) Credit Du Nord (438 BINs found)
CREDIT INDUSTRIEL ET COMMERCIAL (326 BINs found) Caisse Nationale De Credit Agricole (304 BINs found) CREDIT AGRICOLE, S.A. (222 BINs found) Groupement Carte Bleue (222 BINs found)
Bnp Paribas (196 BINs found) Card Services For Credit Unions, Inc. (135 BINs found) Credit Lyonnais (121 BINs found) Caisse D%27%e9pargne (111 BINs found)
Caisse D%27epargne (111 BINs found) Banque Populaire (101 BINs found) Its Bank (101 BINs found) National Institutes Of Health F.c.u. (100 BINs found)
Chase Bank Usa, N.a. (98 BINs found) CAISSE NATIONALE DE CREDIT AGRICOLE (90 BINs found) U.s. Bank N.a. Nd (90 BINs found) Societe Generale (88 BINs found)
Societe Generale, S.a. (81 BINs found) Natexis Banques Populaires (80 BINs found) BNP PARIBAS (75 BINs found) U.s. Bank, N.a. (69 BINs found)
Ba Merchant Services, Inc. (66 BINs found) Suntrust Bank (64 BINs found) Hsbc France (37 BINs found) Ccf - Credit De Commercial De France, S.a. (36 BINs found)
Heritage Bank Of Commerce (34 BINs found) First Usa Bank, N.a. (33 BINs found) Swiss American Bank (21 BINs found) Toronto-dominion Bank (21 BINs found)
Bank Of America, N.a. (20 BINs found) Citibank (south Dakota), N.a. (20 BINs found) Banco Popular Y De Desarrollo Comunal (18 BINs found) Bank Of Wood River (15 BINs found)
Mbna America Bank, N.a. (13 BINs found) Town North Bank, N.a. (11 BINs found) Banque Postale (10 BINs found) Banco Elca, S.a. (9 BINs found)
Westpac Banking Corporation (9 BINs found) La Banque Postale (7 BINs found) Anz Bank, Ltd. (4 BINs found) Arkansas County Bank (4 BINs found)
Banco Popular De Puerto Rico (4 BINs found) CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE (3 BINs found) Mitsubishi Ufj Financial Group, Inc. (3 BINs found) Stromsburg Bank (3 BINs found)
WELLS FARGO BANK NEVADA, N.A. (3 BINs found) Ath Costa Rica, S.a. (2 BINs found) CREDIT DU NORD (2 BINs found) Canadian Imperial Bank Of Commerce (2 BINs found)
Credit Agricole (2 BINs found) Mitsubishi Ufj Nicos Co., Ltd. (2 BINs found) Raiffeisen Bank Polska, S.a. (2 BINs found) Teller, A.s. (2 BINs found)
Wells Fargo Bank, N.a. (2 BINs found) Wilmington Savings Fund Society, F.s.b. (2 BINs found) Asociacion La Nacional De Ahorros Y Prestamos (1 BINs found) Bank Of Hawaii (1 BINs found)
Banque Accord (1 BINs found) Banque Chabrieres (1 BINs found) Banque De Savoie (1 BINs found) CREDIT LYONNAIS (1 BINs found)
Caisse D'epargne (1 BINs found) Caixa Geral De Depositos (1 BINs found) Citicorp (1 BINs found) Citigroup (1 BINs found)
Credit Commercial De France S.a. (1 BINs found) FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATLANTA (1 BINs found) JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A. (1 BINs found) NATIXIS (1 BINs found)
R RAPHAEL AND SONS PLC (1 BINs found) Transworld Payment Solutions (1 BINs found) U.S. BANK, N.A. (1 BINs found) YORKSHIRE BANK (1 BINs found)

France (FR) 🡒 VISA : Card Networks

VISA (27978 BINs found)

France (FR) 🡒 VISA : Card Types

credit (16746 BINs found) debit (11221 BINs found) charge (11 BINs found)

France (FR) 🡒 VISA : Card Brands

traditional (9552 BINs found) gold (7706 BINs found) business (4791 BINs found) platinum (1801 BINs found)
infinite (1681 BINs found) corporate (1303 BINs found) electron (668 BINs found) null (227 BINs found)
classic (78 BINs found) standard (55 BINs found) gold premium (38 BINs found) proprietary (33 BINs found)
v pay (17 BINs found) purchasing (12 BINs found) premier (5 BINs found) corporate t (4 BINs found)
corporate t e (4 BINs found) signature (3 BINs found)
France France+%28FR%29+%26%23129106%3B+VISA BIN List

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