Euro (EUR) 🡒 Groupement Carte Bleue BIN List

Table of Contents

Euro (EUR) 🡒 Groupement Carte Bleue : IIN / BIN List

BIN Network Company Card Type Card Level
49400668 VISA credit BUSINESS
497776 VISA credit INFINITE
49779943 VISA credit BUSINESS
49779923 VISA credit BUSINESS
49779904 VISA credit BUSINESS
49779982 VISA credit BUSINESS
49779922 VISA credit BUSINESS
49400684 VISA credit BUSINESS
49779905 VISA credit BUSINESS
415064 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
413527 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
405935 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
49779940 VISA credit BUSINESS
497750 VISA debit CLASSIC
49779961 VISA credit BUSINESS
413539 VISA credit STANDARD
49400621 VISA credit BUSINESS
49400641 VISA credit BUSINESS
49400650 VISA credit BUSINESS
49400670 VISA credit BUSINESS
49400634 VISA credit BUSINESS
49779947 VISA credit BUSINESS
49400605 VISA credit BUSINESS
449985 VISA credit STANDARD
463611 VISA credit NULL
49400624 VISA credit BUSINESS
49400608 VISA credit BUSINESS
49400683 VISA credit BUSINESS
49779993 VISA credit BUSINESS
49779945 VISA credit BUSINESS
49400649 VISA credit BUSINESS
49779953 VISA credit BUSINESS
497409 VISA credit STANDARD
49779973 VISA credit BUSINESS
49779981 VISA credit BUSINESS
497726 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
49779925 VISA credit BUSINESS
49779933 VISA credit BUSINESS
497642 VISA credit STANDARD
405938 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
413538 VISA credit STANDARD
49400642 VISA credit BUSINESS
49400628 VISA credit BUSINESS
49400616 VISA credit BUSINESS
497795 VISA credit BUSINESS
49779902 VISA credit BUSINESS
49400633 VISA credit BUSINESS
49400652 VISA credit BUSINESS
49400672 VISA credit BUSINESS
497723 VISA debit INFINITE
49779990 VISA credit BUSINESS
49779998 VISA credit BUSINESS
449984 VISA credit STANDARD
497706 VISA credit INFINITE
49779992 VISA credit BUSINESS
49779972 VISA credit BUSINESS
49779942 VISA credit BUSINESS
49779903 VISA credit BUSINESS
49779950 VISA credit BUSINESS
49400681 VISA credit BUSINESS
49779999 VISA credit BUSINESS
49779944 VISA credit BUSINESS
49779951 VISA credit BUSINESS
49400627 VISA credit BUSINESS
49779979 VISA credit BUSINESS

786 more IIN / BIN ...

Euro (EUR) 🡒 Groupement Carte Bleue : Countries

France IIN / BIN List France (222 BINs) Belgium IIN / BIN List Belgium (100 BINs) Italy IIN / BIN List Italy (3 BINs) Spain IIN / BIN List Spain (1 BINs)

Euro (EUR) 🡒 Groupement Carte Bleue : List of BINs from Banks

Groupement Carte Bleue (326 BINs found)

Euro (EUR) 🡒 Groupement Carte Bleue : Card Networks

VISA (326 BINs found)

Euro (EUR) 🡒 Groupement Carte Bleue : Card Types

credit (268 BINs found) debit (58 BINs found)

Euro (EUR) 🡒 Groupement Carte Bleue : Card Brands

business (219 BINs found) traditional (47 BINs found) standard (31 BINs found) classic (10 BINs found)
gold (8 BINs found) infinite (8 BINs found) corporate (1 BINs found) electron (1 BINs found)
null (1 BINs found)
Euro (EUR) 🡒 Groupement Carte Bleue  BIN List

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