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Euro (EUR) 🡒 BUSINESS : IIN / BIN List

BIN Network Company Card Type Card Level
45584124 VISA debit BUSINESS
49785260 VISA debit BUSINESS
49903222 VISA debit BUSINESS
46106070 VISA debit BUSINESS
497422316 VISA debit BUSINESS
46103287 VISA credit BUSINESS
45584164 VISA debit BUSINESS
46103271 VISA credit BUSINESS
497422621 VISA debit BUSINESS
46103267 VISA credit BUSINESS
497599820 VISA debit BUSINESS
44177111 VISA credit BUSINESS
497599831 VISA debit BUSINESS
44173490 VISA credit BUSINESS
497823604 VISA debit BUSINESS
497599803 VISA debit BUSINESS
497595884 VISA debit BUSINESS
40827800 VISA debit BUSINESS
49743990 VISA credit BUSINESS
46373884 VISA debit BUSINESS
46914333 VISA credit BUSINESS
497433 VISA debit BUSINESS
497830604 VISA debit BUSINESS
497599824 VISA debit BUSINESS
49905181 VISA credit BUSINESS
468994 VISA credit BUSINESS
46914372 VISA credit BUSINESS
497557815 VISA debit BUSINESS
497579823 VISA debit BUSINESS
497580863 VISA debit BUSINESS
427310 VISA credit BUSINESS
407811 VISA debit BUSINESS
497526876 VISA debit BUSINESS
497592890 VISA debit BUSINESS
497557835 VISA debit BUSINESS
497422346 VISA debit BUSINESS
46426689 VISA credit BUSINESS
49789011 VISA debit BUSINESS
428509 VISA credit BUSINESS
46373878 VISA debit BUSINESS
45586326 VISA debit BUSINESS
46426694 VISA credit BUSINESS
44173762 VISA credit BUSINESS
497141 VISA credit BUSINESS
478094 VISA debit BUSINESS
497558882 VISA debit BUSINESS
46030263 VISA credit BUSINESS
49757988 VISA debit BUSINESS
497580894 VISA debit BUSINESS
497808607 VISA debit BUSINESS
43831248 VISA debit BUSINESS
45587413 VISA debit BUSINESS
49400620 VISA credit BUSINESS
497858605 VISA debit BUSINESS
45186410 VISA credit BUSINESS
497516859 VISA debit BUSINESS
400811 VISA debit BUSINESS
485664 VISA credit BUSINESS
49903035 VISA debit BUSINESS
49789922 VISA credit BUSINESS
40827885 VISA debit BUSINESS

618 more IIN / BIN ...

Euro (EUR) 🡒 BUSINESS : Countries

France IIN / BIN List France (5074 BINs) Belgium IIN / BIN List Belgium (734 BINs) Italy IIN / BIN List Italy (654 BINs) Greece IIN / BIN List Greece (495 BINs)
Germany IIN / BIN List Germany (338 BINs) Spain IIN / BIN List Spain (259 BINs) The Netherlands IIN / BIN List The Netherlands (123 BINs) Estonia IIN / BIN List Estonia (120 BINs)
Portugal IIN / BIN List Portugal (62 BINs) Cyprus IIN / BIN List Cyprus (59 BINs) Latvia IIN / BIN List Latvia (59 BINs) Ireland IIN / BIN List Ireland (54 BINs)
Luxembourg IIN / BIN List Luxembourg (51 BINs) Lithuania IIN / BIN List Lithuania (31 BINs) Austria IIN / BIN List Austria (28 BINs) Montenegro IIN / BIN List Montenegro (27 BINs)
Caribbean Netherlands IIN / BIN List Caribbean Netherlands (22 BINs) Finland IIN / BIN List Finland (19 BINs) Slovenia IIN / BIN List Slovenia (18 BINs) Malta IIN / BIN List Malta (10 BINs)
Virgin Islands (British) IIN / BIN List Virgin Islands (British) (5 BINs) San Marino IIN / BIN List San Marino (2 BINs) Vatican IIN / BIN List Vatican (2 BINs) Andorra IIN / BIN List Andorra (1 BINs)

Euro (EUR) 🡒 BUSINESS : List of BINs from Banks

Natixis (2273 BINs found) Caisse Nationale Des Caisses D'epargne (cnce) (723 BINs found) Mastercard France S.a.s. (239 BINs found) Groupement Carte Bleue (219 BINs found)
First Data Corporation (200 BINs found) Banco Popular Y De Desarrollo Comunal (197 BINs found) Europay France Sas (113 BINs found) Card Services For Credit Unions, Inc. (112 BINs found)
Jpmorgan Chase Bank, N.a. (103 BINs found) Banque Populaire (100 BINs found) Credit Industriel Et Commercial (100 BINs found) Chase Bank Usa, N.a. (96 BINs found)
Citibank Espana, S.a. (95 BINs found) Banco Multiple Leon, S.a. (93 BINs found) Banco Del Trabajo (91 BINs found) CAISSE NATIONALE DES CAISSES D'EPARGNE (CNCE) (91 BINs found)
U.s. Bank N.a. Nd (90 BINs found) Citicorp (82 BINs found) Toronto-dominion Bank (72 BINs found) CREDIT AGRICOLE, S.A. (70 BINs found)
CAISSE NATIONALE DE CREDIT AGRICOLE (68 BINs found) Bnp Paribas (54 BINs found) Credit Agricole, S.a. (35 BINs found) First Tennessee Bank, N.a. (28 BINs found)
Natexis Banques Populaires (24 BINs found) Mastercajas, S.a. (22 BINs found) Bancolombia, S.a. (20 BINs found) Euro Kartensysteme Gmbh (20 BINs found)
Deutscher Sparkassen Und Giroverband (19 BINs found) Banco Popular Espanol, S.a. (18 BINs found) Comdirect Bank Ag (18 BINs found) METABANK (18 BINs found)
Caja De Ahorros De Madrid (caja Madrid) (14 BINs found) Credit Lyonnais (13 BINs found) Banque Federative Du Credit Mutuel (bfcm) (12 BINs found) Hsbc Bank Usa, N.a. (12 BINs found)
Arab International Bank (11 BINs found) Caisse D%27%e9pargne (11 BINs found) Caisse D%27epargne (11 BINs found) Caisse Nationale De Credit Agricole (11 BINs found)
Cartasi S.p.a. (11 BINs found) Hsbc France (11 BINs found) Unicredit S.p.a. (11 BINs found) Iberia Cards (10 BINs found)
M And I (marshall And Ilsley) Bank (10 BINs found) Southern Commerce Bank, N.a. (10 BINs found) Directions C.u. (9 BINs found) Metabank (9 BINs found)
U.s. Bank, N.a. (9 BINs found) Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria S.a. (bbva) (8 BINs found) Banco Comercial Portugues, S.a. (8 BINs found) Banco Cooperativo Espanol, S.a. (8 BINs found)
Caja De Ahorros Y Pensiones De Barcelona(la Caixa) (8 BINs found) Credit Du Nord (8 BINs found) BANQUE INVIK, S.A. (7 BINs found) Banco Santander, S.a. (7 BINs found)
La Poste (7 BINs found) Servired, Sociedad Espanola De Medios De Pago, S.a. (7 BINs found) Societe Generale, S.a. (7 BINs found) Banco Sabadell, S.a. (6 BINs found)
Chase Manhattan Bank Usa, N.a. (6 BINs found) Deutsche Bank Ag (6 BINs found) Dz Bank Ag (6 BINs found) Europay Belgium S.c.r.l. (6 BINs found)
MASTERCARD FRANCE S.A.S. (6 BINs found) Societe Generale (6 BINs found) Banco Espanol De Credito (banesto) (5 BINs found) Banco Popular Portugal, S.a. (5 BINs found)
Bank Of America, N.a. (5 BINs found) Bank Of Communications (5 BINs found) Bankinter, S.a. (5 BINs found) CITIBANK USA, N.A. (5 BINs found)
Ccf - Credit De Commercial De France, S.a. (5 BINs found) Citibank (5 BINs found) Hana Bank (5 BINs found) Swedbank, A.s. (5 BINs found)
Ab Dnb Nord Bankas (4 BINs found) Banco Espirito Santo, S.a. (4 BINs found) Banco Herrero, S.a. (4 BINs found) Banque Invik, S.a. (4 BINs found)
Barclays Bank Plc (4 BINs found) Caisse Centrale De Credit Mutuel (4 BINs found) Caixa Geral De Depositos, S.a. (4 BINs found) Corner Banque (luxembourg), S.a. (4 BINs found)
Governor And Company Of The Bank Of Ireland (4 BINs found) Nova Ljubljanska Banka D.d., Ljubljana (4 BINs found) Rbs Citizens, N.a. (4 BINs found) Servizi Interbancari S.p.a. (4 BINs found)
Unicre - Instituicao Financeira De Credito, S.a. (4 BINs found) Visa Austria (4 BINs found) As Dnb Nord Banka (3 BINs found) Banca Di Sassari S.p.a. (3 BINs found)
Banca March, S.a. (3 BINs found) Banco Espanol De Credito S.a. (banesto) (3 BINs found) Banka Koper D.d. (3 BINs found) Caja Espana De Inversiones C.a. Y M.p. (caja Espana) (3 BINs found)
Credit Mutuel Arkea (3 BINs found) Deutsche Bank S.p.a. (3 BINs found) EUROPAY BELGIUM S.C.R.L. (3 BINs found) Efg Eurobank Ergasias, S.a. (3 BINs found)

Euro (EUR) 🡒 BUSINESS : Card Networks

VISA (7211 BINs found) MASTERCARD (1033 BINs found) DISCOVER (3 BINs found)

Euro (EUR) 🡒 BUSINESS : Card Types

debit (4469 BINs found) credit (3778 BINs found)

Euro (EUR) 🡒 BUSINESS : Card Brands

business (8247 BINs found)

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