United States (US) 🡒 ELECTRON card BIN List

Table of Contents

Country Issuer Information

Flag Code Name Numeric Latitude Longitude
United States IIN / BIN List US United States 840 37.09024 -95.712891

United States (US) 🡒 ELECTRON card : IIN / BIN List

BIN Network Company Card Type Card Level
474879 VISA debit ELECTRON
480045 VISA credit ELECTRON
44145428 VISA credit ELECTRON
44145411 VISA credit ELECTRON
480017 VISA credit ELECTRON
480032 VISA credit ELECTRON
44145405 VISA credit ELECTRON
479573 VISA debit ELECTRON
446099 VISA debit ELECTRON
44145429 VISA credit ELECTRON
48006831 VISA credit ELECTRON
476184 VISA debit ELECTRON
44145430 VISA credit ELECTRON
44145413 VISA credit ELECTRON
44145404 VISA credit ELECTRON
44145435 VISA credit ELECTRON
44145431 VISA credit ELECTRON
44199412 VISA debit ELECTRON
475565 VISA debit ELECTRON
44145434 VISA credit ELECTRON
479312 VISA credit ELECTRON
480033 VISA credit ELECTRON
403688 VISA debit ELECTRON
44145425 VISA credit ELECTRON
475588 VISA credit ELECTRON
433670 VISA debit ELECTRON
408854 VISA debit ELECTRON
44145432 VISA credit ELECTRON
44145409 VISA credit ELECTRON
44145408 VISA credit ELECTRON
44145436 VISA credit ELECTRON
416945 VISA debit ELECTRON
421406 VISA debit ELECTRON
44200412 VISA debit ELECTRON
415197 VISA debit ELECTRON
472685 VISA credit ELECTRON
480025 VISA credit ELECTRON
44177316 VISA credit ELECTRON
404296 VISA debit ELECTRON
432034 VISA debit ELECTRON
44145433 VISA credit ELECTRON
48006814 VISA credit ELECTRON
44177315 VISA credit ELECTRON
450862 VISA debit ELECTRON
480054 VISA credit ELECTRON
48006887 VISA credit ELECTRON
46366262 VISA debit ELECTRON
44633699 VISA charge ELECTRON
477226 VISA debit ELECTRON
480018 VISA credit ELECTRON
44145437 VISA credit ELECTRON
48006878 VISA credit ELECTRON
48006811 VISA credit ELECTRON
479184 VISA debit ELECTRON
435072 VISA debit ELECTRON
44145402 VISA credit ELECTRON
499050 VISA debit ELECTRON
403698 VISA debit ELECTRON
446964 VISA debit ELECTRON
412294 VISA credit ELECTRON
436742 VISA debit ELECTRON
48006817 VISA credit ELECTRON
44199863 VISA debit ELECTRON
46366261 VISA debit ELECTRON
421414 VISA debit ELECTRON
477240 VISA debit ELECTRON
46073970 VISA debit ELECTRON
480177 VISA debit ELECTRON

474 more IIN / BIN ...

United States (US) 🡒 ELECTRON card : List of BINs from Banks

Town North Bank, N.a. (25 BINs found) Mbna America Bank (16 BINs found) Popular Bank (ny) (6 BINs found) Icba Bancard (2 BINs found)
Ohio Central Savings (2 BINs found) Placer Sierra Bank (2 BINs found) Pullman Bank And Trust Company (2 BINs found) Banc Internacional Dandorra S.a. (1 BINs found)
Bank Center First (1 BINs found) Bankeast (1 BINs found) Beacon Federal (1 BINs found) Blucurrent C.u. (1 BINs found)
Chevy Chase Bank, Federal Savings Bank (1 BINs found) Citibank (south Dakota), N.a. (1 BINs found) Citicorp (1 BINs found) First Midwest Bank (1 BINs found)
First National Bank In Sioux Falls (1 BINs found) First National Bank Of Midland (1 BINs found) Heritage Bank Of Commerce (1 BINs found) ING VYSYA BANK_, LTD. (1 BINs found)
Mellon Bank, N.a. (1 BINs found) Merrill Lynch Bank And Trust Company (1 BINs found) Omega Bank, N.a. (1 BINs found) Services C.u. (1 BINs found)
Si Bank And Trust (1 BINs found) Summit C.u. (1 BINs found) Td Bank Usa, N.a. (1 BINs found) Texans C.u. (1 BINs found)
The Bank Of Nova Scotia (1 BINs found) United F.c.u. (1 BINs found) Unitedtrust Bank (1 BINs found) Wells Fargo Bank Nevada, N.a. (1 BINs found)

United States (US) 🡒 ELECTRON card : Card Networks

VISA (114 BINs found) MAESTRO (2 BINs found) PRIVATE LABEL CARD (1 BINs found)

United States (US) 🡒 ELECTRON card : Card Types

debit (67 BINs found) credit (49 BINs found) charge (1 BINs found)

United States (US) 🡒 ELECTRON card : Card Brands

electron (117 BINs found)
United States United+States+%28US%29+%26%23129106%3B+ELECTRON+card BIN List

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