2. Typical BIN Numbers - United Kingdom (GB) 🡒 credit card
3. All Banks - United Kingdom (GB) 🡒 credit card
4. Card Networks - United Kingdom (GB) 🡒 credit card
Flag | Code | Name | Numeric | Latitude | Longitude |
GB | United Kingdom | 826 | 55.378051 | -3.435973 |
648 more IIN / BIN ...
MASTERCARD (6701 BINs found) | VISA (2983 BINs found) | AMEX (270 BINs found) | PHH FUEL CARD (198 BINs found) |
DISCOVER (48 BINs found) | UK FUEL CARD (30 BINs found) | CHJONES FUEL CARD (18 BINs found) | RED FUEL CARD (12 BINs found) |
LOYALTY (1 BINs found) |
credit (10261 BINs found) |
standard (1571 BINs found) | mbs (1425 BINs found) | credit business prepaid (1161 BINs found) | traditional (1148 BINs found) |
corporate (914 BINs found) | platinum (914 BINs found) | standard prepaid (785 BINs found) | gold (417 BINs found) |
platinium (306 BINs found) | business (295 BINs found) | american express (270 BINs found) | new world (190 BINs found) |
credit (141 BINs found) | prepaid (132 BINs found) | infinite (121 BINs found) | fleet (84 BINs found) |
purchasing (69 BINs found) | null (66 BINs found) | world (66 BINs found) | classic (51 BINs found) |
standard deferred (45 BINs found) | maestro (25 BINs found) | gold premium (13 BINs found) | rewards only (13 BINs found) |
b2b virtual payments (9 BINs found) | debit business (4 BINs found) | premier (4 BINs found) | commercial corp (2 BINs found) |
corporate t e (2 BINs found) | debit business prepaid workplace business to business (2 BINs found) | preferred business (2 BINs found) | titanium (2 BINs found) |
world card (2 BINs found) | cirrus (1 BINs found) | corporate t (1 BINs found) | debit (1 BINs found) |
debit other 2 embossed (1 BINs found) | debit unembossed non u s (1 BINs found) | electron (1 BINs found) | prepaid debit payroll (1 BINs found) |
prepaid public sector commercial (1 BINs found) | unembossed prepaid student (1 BINs found) | world embossed (1 BINs found) |
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