Spain (ES) 🡒 Banco Cooperativo Espanol, S.a. BIN List

Table of Contents

Country Issuer Information

Flag Code Name Numeric Latitude Longitude
Spain IIN / BIN List ES Spain 724 40.463667 -3.74922

Bank Issuer Information

Name Website Phone City
Banco Cooperativo Espanol, S.a. 902 310 902

Spain (ES) 🡒 Banco Cooperativo Espanol, S.a. : IIN / BIN List

BIN Network Company Card Type Card Level
453941 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
415972 VISA debit ELECTRON
454355 VISA debit ELECTRON
479255 VISA debit ELECTRON
440277 VISA debit ELECTRON
465954 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
455762 VISA debit BUSINESS
404107 VISA debit ELECTRON
455751 VISA debit ELECTRON
459963 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
490163 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
480937 VISA debit ELECTRON
475537 VISA credit GOLD
455297 VISA debit ELECTRON
459961 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
415971 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
443513 VISA credit GOLD
454610 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
459964 VISA credit CLASSIC
455765 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
494094 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
467483 VISA credit BUSINESS
422870 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
456885 VISA debit ELECTRON
403887 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
465584 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
459965 VISA credit CLASSIC
440275 VISA credit BUSINESS
403056 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
423846 VISA debit ELECTRON
479188 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
449358 VISA credit GOLD PREMIUM
455376 VISA credit SIGNATURE
467484 VISA credit BUSINESS
454635 VISA debit ELECTRON
450853 VISA debit ELECTRON
430583 VISA debit ELECTRON
455276 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
405382 VISA debit ELECTRON
401851 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
477905 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
490156 VISA debit ELECTRON
479189 VISA debit ELECTRON
455750 VISA debit ELECTRON
479297 VISA debit ELECTRON
416062 VISA credit PREMIER
415513 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
440285 VISA debit ELECTRON
402265 VISA debit ELECTRON
415550 VISA credit GOLD
430519 VISA debit GOLD
416063 VISA credit GOLD PREMIUM
494121 VISA debit ELECTRON
433467 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
475535 VISA credit GOLD PREMIUM
459956 VISA credit CLASSIC
459971 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
403651 VISA credit NULL
477957 VISA debit ELECTRON
494054 VISA debit ELECTRON
456886 VISA debit ELECTRON
409319 VISA debit PLATINUM
455766 VISA debit ELECTRON
477956 VISA credit BUSINESS
459957 VISA credit CLASSIC

876 more IIN / BIN ...

Spain (ES) 🡒 Banco Cooperativo Espanol, S.a. : List of BINs from Banks

Spain (ES) 🡒 Banco Cooperativo Espanol, S.a. : Card Networks

VISA (179 BINs found)

Spain (ES) 🡒 Banco Cooperativo Espanol, S.a. : Card Types

credit (94 BINs found) debit (85 BINs found)

Spain (ES) 🡒 Banco Cooperativo Espanol, S.a. : Card Brands

traditional (67 BINs found) electron (65 BINs found) gold (14 BINs found) classic (9 BINs found)
business (8 BINs found) premier (5 BINs found) gold premium (4 BINs found) null (3 BINs found)
platinum (3 BINs found) signature (1 BINs found)
Spain Spain+%28ES%29+%26%23129106%3B+Banco+Cooperativo+Espanol%2C+S.a. BIN List

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