South Africa (ZA) 🡒 credit card BIN List

Table of Contents

Country Issuer Information

Flag Code Name Numeric Latitude Longitude
South Africa IIN / BIN List ZA South Africa 710 -30.559482 22.937506

South Africa (ZA) 🡒 credit card : IIN / BIN List

BIN Network Company Card Type Card Level
490136 VISA credit PLATINUM
44893299 VISA credit BUSINESS
44166424 VISA credit PLATINUM
40576995 VISA credit GOLD
479050 VISA credit STANDARD
44170462 VISA credit GOLD
44892370 VISA credit GOLD
44170518 VISA credit PLATINUM
44892391 VISA credit PLATINUM
44892428 VISA credit PLATINUM
44166740 VISA credit GOLD
44892609 VISA credit PLATINUM
45494203 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
472251 VISA credit CORPORATE
40576935 VISA credit PLATINUM
431413 VISA credit GOLD
464475 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
490135 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
44166445 VISA credit PLATINUM
44892721 VISA credit INFINITE
44892774 VISA credit BUSINESS
44166787 VISA credit GOLD
44892425 VISA credit PLATINUM
44892329 VISA credit PLATINUM
44892785 VISA credit BUSINESS
44892699 VISA credit INFINITE
44893217 VISA credit BUSINESS
44166786 VISA credit GOLD
44481218 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
44892595 VISA credit PLATINUM
44170555 VISA credit PLATINUM
44166459 VISA credit PLATINUM
44551305 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
44893285 VISA credit BUSINESS
44892341 VISA credit PLATINUM
44893317 VISA credit BUSINESS
44170405 VISA credit GOLD
44892570 VISA credit PLATINUM
44892350 VISA credit GOLD
44166734 VISA credit GOLD
44892687 VISA credit INFINITE
464477 VISA credit BUSINESS
44892321 VISA credit PLATINUM
44892420 VISA credit PLATINUM
44166352 VISA credit PLATINUM
426286 VISA credit STANDARD
417290 VISA credit BUSINESS
44892440 VISA credit PLATINUM
44166368 VISA credit PLATINUM
44170562 VISA credit PLATINUM
44892691 VISA credit INFINITE
44166494 VISA credit PLATINUM
44166343 VISA credit PLATINUM
44166374 VISA credit PLATINUM
44166434 VISA credit PLATINUM
44892324 VISA credit PLATINUM
44170456 VISA credit GOLD
44170527 VISA credit PLATINUM
44170496 VISA credit GOLD
44170468 VISA credit GOLD

528 more IIN / BIN ...

South Africa (ZA) 🡒 credit card : List of BINs from Banks

National City Bank (516 BINs found) Standard Bank Of South Africa, Ltd. (225 BINs found) Firstrand Bank, Ltd. (133 BINs found) South Carolina Bank And Trust, N.a. (93 BINs found)
Banco Elca, S.a. (65 BINs found) Absa Group, Ltd. (55 BINs found) Nedbank, Ltd. (38 BINs found) Nedcor Bank, Ltd. (32 BINs found)
Absa Bank, Ltd. (16 BINs found) American Express (12 BINs found) Mercantile Bank, Ltd. (11 BINs found) Fia Card Services, N.a. (10 BINs found)
North Community Bank (9 BINs found) Nedbank (8 BINs found) STANDARD BANK OF SOUTH AFRICA, LTD. (8 BINs found) NEDBANK, LTD. (7 BINs found)
Tcm Bank, N.a. (7 BINs found) Investec Bank, Ltd. (5 BINs found) Paldec S.a. (edicard) (5 BINs found) Standard Bank Of South Africa (5 BINs found)
ABSA BANK, LTD. (4 BINs found) African Bank, Ltd. (4 BINs found) Card Services For Credit Unions, Inc. (4 BINs found) Fnb (4 BINs found)
M And I (marshall And Ilsley) Bank (4 BINs found) Metabank (4 BINs found) Banco Popular De Puerto Rico (3 BINs found) Chase Manhattan Bank Usa, N.a. (3 BINs found)
Citibank, N.a. South Africa (3 BINs found) Midwest Payment Systems, Inc. (3 BINs found) Peoples Bank (3 BINs found) Westpac Banking Corporation (3 BINs found)
Bidvest Bank (2 BINs found) Capitec Bank, Ltd. (2 BINs found) Citibank Usa, N.a. (2 BINs found) Fifth Third Processing Solutions, Inc. (2 BINs found)
First National (2 BINs found) First Premier Bank (2 BINs found) Netbank (2 BINs found) Unibank, Ltd. (2 BINs found)
Abn Amro Bank, N.v. (1 BINs found) Afican Bank (1 BINs found) Amalgamated Banks Of South Africa Limited (absa Bank Limited) (1 BINs found) Amalgamated Banks Of South Africa Ltd. (absa Bank Ltd.) (1 BINs found)
Aval Card (costa Rica), S.a. (1 BINs found) BANK OF AMERICA (1 BINs found) Bank Of America (1 BINs found) Bank Of America, N.a. (1 BINs found)
Barclays Bank Plc (1 BINs found) Boland Bank, Ltd. (1 BINs found) Branch Banking And Trust Company (1 BINs found) Bulbank, Ltd. (1 BINs found)
Chase Manhattan Bank (usa) (1 BINs found) Chequemax (1 BINs found) Community Bancservice Corporation (1 BINs found) Credit Lyonnais (1 BINs found)
EVERGREEN BANK (1 BINs found) Europay France Sas (1 BINs found) First Commonwealth Bank (1 BINs found) First Financial Bank, N.a. (1 BINs found)
First Usa Bank (1 BINs found) Firstbank Puerto Rico (1 BINs found) Grindrod Bank, Ltd. (1 BINs found) Home Retail Group Personal Finance, Ltd. (1 BINs found)
Hsbc Bank Usa, N.a. (1 BINs found) Interpayment Services (1 BINs found) Investec (1 BINs found) Keybank, N.a. (1 BINs found)
NBS BANK, LTD. (1 BINs found) ORCHARD BANK (HSBC GROUP) (1 BINs found) Orchard Bank (hsbc Group) (1 BINs found) PT. BANK DANAMON INDONESIA (1 BINs found)
Pulse Eft Association (1 BINs found) Rennies Bank, Ltd. (1 BINs found) Salem Five Cents Savings Bank (1 BINs found) Standard (1 BINs found)
Suntrust Bank (1 BINs found) Toronto-dominion Bank (1 BINs found) U.s. Bank N.a. Nd (1 BINs found) U.s. Bank, N.a. (1 BINs found)
Unicard Banco Multiplo, S.a. (1 BINs found) United Export Import Bank (1 BINs found) Vnesheconombank - The Bank For Foreign Economic Affairs Of (1 BINs found) Zip Network (1 BINs found)

South Africa (ZA) 🡒 credit card : Card Networks

VISA (1308 BINs found) MASTERCARD (364 BINs found) AMEX (18 BINs found)

South Africa (ZA) 🡒 credit card : Card Types

credit (1690 BINs found)

South Africa (ZA) 🡒 credit card : Card Brands

platinum (537 BINs found) gold (317 BINs found) platinium (213 BINs found) business (203 BINs found)
standard (106 BINs found) infinite (92 BINs found) traditional (88 BINs found) corporate (32 BINs found)
purchasing (24 BINs found) american express (18 BINs found) world (14 BINs found) credit (9 BINs found)
classic (7 BINs found) standard prepaid (7 BINs found) null (5 BINs found) titanium (5 BINs found)
debit gold (2 BINs found) gold premium (2 BINs found) world elite (2 BINs found) corporate world (1 BINs found)
credit business prepaid (1 BINs found) debit business (1 BINs found) electronic (1 BINs found) new world (1 BINs found)
premier (1 BINs found) signature (1 BINs found)
South Africa South+Africa+%28ZA%29+%26%23129106%3B+credit+card BIN List

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