Russian Federation (RU) 🡒 Nomos Bank (the Js Investment Cb Novaya Moskva) BIN List

Table of Contents

Country Issuer Information

Flag Code Name Numeric Latitude Longitude
Russian Federation IIN / BIN List RU Russian Federation 643 61.52401 105.318756

Bank Issuer Information

Russian Federation (RU) 🡒 Nomos Bank (the Js Investment Cb Novaya Moskva) : IIN / BIN List

BIN Network Company Card Type Card Level
43414649 VISA credit GOLD
43414661 VISA credit GOLD
43414673 VISA credit GOLD
43414685 VISA credit GOLD
43414614 VISA credit GOLD
43414638 VISA credit GOLD
43414662 VISA credit GOLD
43414686 VISA credit GOLD
429096 VISA credit STANDARD
43414672 VISA credit GOLD
43414624 VISA credit GOLD
43414648 VISA credit GOLD
43414611 VISA credit GOLD
43414647 VISA credit GOLD
43414659 VISA credit GOLD
43414626 VISA credit GOLD
43414674 VISA credit GOLD
43414612 VISA credit GOLD
43414639 VISA credit GOLD
43414660 VISA credit GOLD
43414610 VISA credit GOLD
43414622 VISA credit GOLD
43414634 VISA credit GOLD
43414687 VISA credit GOLD
485649 VISA debit BUSINESS
43414676 VISA credit GOLD
43414652 VISA credit GOLD
43414664 VISA credit GOLD
43414688 VISA credit GOLD
43414621 VISA credit GOLD
43414665 VISA credit GOLD
43414689 VISA credit GOLD
43414675 VISA credit GOLD
43414651 VISA credit GOLD
434146 VISA debit NULL
43414608 VISA credit GOLD
43414678 VISA credit GOLD
43414690 VISA credit GOLD
43414600 VISA credit GOLD
43414635 VISA credit GOLD
43414623 VISA credit GOLD
43414609 VISA credit GOLD
43414650 VISA credit GOLD
43414677 VISA credit GOLD
43414663 VISA credit GOLD
43414636 VISA credit GOLD
43414607 VISA credit GOLD
43414619 VISA credit GOLD
43414643 VISA credit GOLD
43414631 VISA credit GOLD
43414667 VISA credit GOLD
43414679 VISA credit GOLD
43414655 VISA credit GOLD
43414691 VISA credit GOLD
43414668 VISA credit GOLD
43414620 VISA credit GOLD
43414692 VISA credit GOLD
43414644 VISA credit GOLD
43414606 VISA credit GOLD
43414618 VISA credit GOLD
43414645 VISA credit GOLD
43414633 VISA credit GOLD
43414654 VISA credit GOLD
43414666 VISA credit GOLD
43414681 VISA credit GOLD
43414693 VISA credit GOLD
43414605 VISA credit GOLD
43414680 VISA credit GOLD
43414632 VISA credit GOLD
434147 VISA credit TRADITIONAL

582 more IIN / BIN ...

Russian Federation (RU) 🡒 Nomos Bank (the Js Investment Cb Novaya Moskva) : List of BINs from Banks

Russian Federation (RU) 🡒 Nomos Bank (the Js Investment Cb Novaya Moskva) : Card Networks

VISA (105 BINs found)

Russian Federation (RU) 🡒 Nomos Bank (the Js Investment Cb Novaya Moskva) : Card Types

credit (102 BINs found) debit (3 BINs found)

Russian Federation (RU) 🡒 Nomos Bank (the Js Investment Cb Novaya Moskva) : Card Brands

gold (99 BINs found) business (1 BINs found) electron (1 BINs found) null (1 BINs found)
platinum (1 BINs found) standard (1 BINs found) traditional (1 BINs found)
Russian Federation Russian+Federation+%28RU%29+%26%23129106%3B+Nomos+Bank+%28the+Js+Investment+Cb+Novaya+Moskva%29 BIN List

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