Romania (RO) 🡒 GOLD card BIN List

Table of Contents

Country Issuer Information

Flag Code Name Numeric Latitude Longitude
Romania IIN / BIN List RO Romania 642 45.943161 24.96676

Romania (RO) 🡒 GOLD card : IIN / BIN List

BIN Network Company Card Type Card Level
46101891 VISA credit GOLD
47973939 VISA debit GOLD
46101911 VISA credit GOLD
46101903 VISA credit GOLD
534164 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
45478601 VISA credit GOLD
410343 VISA debit GOLD
498552 VISA credit GOLD
55453690 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
44781124 VISA debit GOLD
46101876 VISA credit GOLD
54547058 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
47973938 VISA debit GOLD
46101890 VISA credit GOLD
46101910 VISA credit GOLD
410342 VISA debit GOLD
46101892 VISA credit GOLD
46101904 VISA credit GOLD
465930 VISA debit GOLD
46101880 VISA credit GOLD
545820 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
46101873 VISA credit GOLD
54475603 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
424320 VISA credit GOLD
47973931 VISA debit GOLD
46101909 VISA credit GOLD
46101905 VISA credit GOLD
46101881 VISA credit GOLD
468734 VISA credit GOLD
45479972 VISA debit GOLD
47973930 VISA debit GOLD
46101908 VISA credit GOLD
46101894 VISA credit GOLD
554861 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
46101906 VISA credit GOLD
46101879 VISA credit GOLD
518655 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
47973937 VISA debit GOLD
434903 VISA credit GOLD
54471460 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
46101893 VISA credit GOLD
45478604 VISA credit GOLD
434744 VISA debit GOLD
446161 VISA credit GOLD
46101883 VISA credit GOLD
46101907 VISA credit GOLD
46101895 VISA credit GOLD
402117 VISA debit GOLD
411968 VISA credit GOLD
515901 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
45478602 VISA credit GOLD
429930 VISA credit GOLD
46101882 VISA credit GOLD
548780 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
47973936 VISA debit GOLD
417951 VISA credit GOLD
44781134 VISA debit GOLD
46101884 VISA credit GOLD
419996 VISA debit GOLD
46101896 VISA credit GOLD
45478603 VISA credit GOLD
518594 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
47973932 VISA debit GOLD
541671 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
528703 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
46101897 VISA credit GOLD
446296 VISA debit GOLD
46101886 VISA credit GOLD
52094164 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
46101898 VISA credit GOLD

582 more IIN / BIN ...

Romania (RO) 🡒 GOLD card : List of BINs from Banks

Chase Bank Usa, N.a. (27 BINs found) Bsb Bank And Trust Company (14 BINs found) Banc Post, S.a. (11 BINs found) Mitsubishi Ufj Financial Group, Inc. (5 BINs found)
Mkb Romexterra Bank, S.a. (2 BINs found) Rbs Bank (romania), S.a. (2 BINs found) Unicredit Tiriac Bank, S.a. (2 BINs found) ATE BANK ROMANIA, S.A. (1 BINs found)
Alliance And Leicester Plc (1 BINs found) Alpha Bank Romania, S.a. (1 BINs found) Banca C.r. Firenze Romania, S.a. (1 BINs found) Banca Comerciala Feroviara (1 BINs found)
Banca Comerciala Intesa Sanpaolo Romania, S.a. (1 BINs found) Banca Italo Romena Spa Italia Treviso Sucursala Bucuresti (1 BINs found) Banca Millennium, S.a. (1 BINs found) Banca Romaneasca, S.a. (1 BINs found)
Card Services For Credit Unions, Inc. (1 BINs found) Credit Europe Bank (1 BINs found) Credit Europe Bank (romania), S.a. (1 BINs found) Euro Kartensysteme Gmbh (1 BINs found)
First Commonwealth Bank (1 BINs found) Garanti Bank, S.a. (1 BINs found) Ing Bank, N.v. (1 BINs found) Libra Bank, S.a. (1 BINs found)
Midwest Payment Systems, Inc. (1 BINs found) Otp Bank Romania, S.a. (1 BINs found) Piraeus Bank Romania (1 BINs found) ROMANIAN COMMERCIAL BANK, S.A. - BANCA COMERCIALA ROMANA, S.A. (1 BINs found)
Raiffeisen Bank, S.a. (1 BINs found) Romanian Commercial Bank, S.a. - Banca Comerciala Romana, S.a. (1 BINs found) Romanian International Bank, S.a. (1 BINs found) SOUTHERN BANK BERHAD (1 BINs found)
Volksbank Romania, S.a. (1 BINs found) Western States Bankcard Association (1 BINs found) Zip Network (1 BINs found)

Romania (RO) 🡒 GOLD card : Card Networks

VISA (83 BINs found) MASTERCARD (22 BINs found)

Romania (RO) 🡒 GOLD card : Card Types

credit (82 BINs found) debit (23 BINs found)

Romania (RO) 🡒 GOLD card : Card Brands

gold (105 BINs found)
Romania Romania+%28RO%29+%26%23129106%3B+GOLD+card BIN List

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