Nicaragua (NI) 🡒 VISA Lista BIN

Tabella dei contenuti

Paese Emittente Informazioni

Flag Codice Nome numerico Latitudine Longitudine
Nicaragua IIN / BIN List NI Nicaragua 558 12.865416 -85.207229

Nicaragua (NI) 🡒 VISA : IIN / Lista BIN

BIN Rete impresa Tipo di carta Livello scheda
423006 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
466902 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
457501 VISA credit SIGNATURE
45217586 VISA credit INFINITE
45214217 VISA credit GOLD
431074 VISA credit PREMIER
457422 VISA credit INFINITE
443075 VISA debit BUSINESS
428363 VISA debit PREMIER
409846 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
431073 VISA credit CLASSIC
457043 VISA credit STANDARD
45478898 VISA credit GOLD
44502189 VISA credit PLATINUM
434917 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
411805 VISA credit PLATINUM
455741 VISA credit BUSINESS
421671 VISA credit CLASSIC
432950 VISA credit PLATINUM
45217583 VISA credit INFINITE
45217567 VISA credit INFINITE
438057 VISA credit STANDARD
459916 VISA credit GOLD PREMIUM
450424 VISA credit PLATINUM
432083 VISA credit STANDARD
45214306 VISA credit GOLD
455152 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45217713 VISA debit TRADITIONAL
45217568 VISA credit INFINITE
404104 VISA credit PLATINUM
445022 VISA credit NULL
45478821 VISA debit TRADITIONAL
450568 VISA credit STANDARD
45217584 VISA credit INFINITE
404146 VISA credit BUSINESS
498458 VISA credit GOLD PREMIUM
404103 VISA credit INFINITE
421673 VISA credit PLATINUM
455264 VISA credit GOLD
490014 VISA debit GOLD
440824 VISA credit BUSINESS
45217561 VISA credit INFINITE
45217573 VISA credit INFINITE
450428 VISA credit GOLD
402680 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45478912 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
402682 VISA credit PLATINUM
45214307 VISA credit GOLD
404284 VISA credit CLASSIC
44502263 VISA credit PLATINUM
491684 VISA credit GOLD
45217579 VISA credit INFINITE
458954 VISA debit GOLD
45217574 VISA credit INFINITE
445892 VISA credit BUSINESS
45479340 VISA credit SIGNATURE
45217580 VISA credit INFINITE
45214216 VISA credit GOLD
455367 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
439176 VISA debit PREMIER
491685 VISA credit INFINITE
412608 VISA credit CLASSIC
407393 VISA credit INFINITE
469899 VISA debit STANDARD
462928 VISA debit NULL

834 più IIN / BIN ...

Nicaragua (NI) 🡒 VISA : Elenco di BIN da banche

The Toronto-dominion Bank (44 BINs trovato) Banco Uno, S.a. (19 BINs trovato) Mitsubishi Ufj Financial Group, Inc. (18 BINs trovato) CREDITO, S.A. (15 BINs trovato)
Banco De La Produccion, S.a. (14 BINs trovato) Banco Citibank De Nicaragua, S.a (11 BINs trovato) Banco De Finanzas, S.a. (7 BINs trovato) Banco Lafise Bancentro, S.a. (6 BINs trovato)
Credicard, S.a. (6 BINs trovato) Td Canada Trust Bank (5 BINs trovato) Aval Card, S.a. (3 BINs trovato) Banco Mercantil, S.a. (3 BINs trovato)
Banco Procredit, S.a. (3 BINs trovato) Banco Cooperativo Espanol, S.a. (2 BINs trovato) Banco De Credito Centroamericano S.a. (bancentro) (2 BINs trovato) Banco De La Exportacion, S.a. (2 BINs trovato)
Banco Nicaraguense De Industria Y Comercio (2 BINs trovato) Bc Card Co., Ltd. (2 BINs trovato) CREDICARD, S.A. (2 BINs trovato) Mitsubishi Ufj Nicos Co., Ltd. (2 BINs trovato)
BANCO DE FINANZAS, S.A. (1 BINs trovato) BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. (1 BINs trovato) C.p.r. Billets, S.a. (1 BINs trovato) Chase Card Services Canada (1 BINs trovato)
Getin Bank, S.a. (1 BINs trovato) Patriot National Bank (1 BINs trovato) Pnc Bank, N.a. (1 BINs trovato) Popular Bank (ny) (1 BINs trovato)

Nicaragua (NI) 🡒 VISA : Reti tessere

VISA (205 BINs trovato)

Nicaragua (NI) 🡒 VISA : Tipi di carta

credit (150 BINs trovato) debit (55 BINs trovato)

Nicaragua (NI) 🡒 VISA : Marche di schede

traditional (54 BINs trovato) infinite (43 BINs trovato) platinum (25 BINs trovato) gold (21 BINs trovato)
business (14 BINs trovato) standard (12 BINs trovato) signature (9 BINs trovato) classic (8 BINs trovato)
corporate (4 BINs trovato) electron (4 BINs trovato) gold premium (4 BINs trovato) null (3 BINs trovato)
premier (3 BINs trovato) purchasing (1 BINs trovato)
Nicaragua Nicaragua+%28NI%29+%26%23129106%3B+VISA Lista BIN

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