New Zealand (NZ) 🡒 National Bank Of New Zealand, Ltd. قائمة BIN

جدول المحتويات

البلد معلومات المصدر

علم الشفرة اسم رقمية خط العرض خط الطول
New Zealand IIN / BIN List NZ New Zealand 554 -40.900557 174.885971

بنك معلومات المصدر

اسم موقع الكتروني هاتف مدينة
National Bank Of New Zealand, Ltd. 0800 18 18 18

New Zealand (NZ) 🡒 National Bank Of New Zealand, Ltd. : IIN / قائمة BIN

BIN شركة الشبكة نوع البطاقة مستوى بطاقة
45061243 VISA credit GOLD
45061222 VISA credit GOLD
45061293 VISA credit GOLD
45061202 VISA credit GOLD
45061283 VISA credit GOLD
45061201 VISA credit GOLD
45061244 VISA credit GOLD
494104 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45061203 VISA credit GOLD
45061258 VISA credit GOLD
45061262 VISA credit GOLD
45061221 VISA credit GOLD
45061225 VISA credit GOLD
45061204 VISA credit GOLD
45061292 VISA credit GOLD
45061259 VISA credit GOLD
45061268 VISA credit GOLD
45061281 VISA credit GOLD
45061200 VISA credit GOLD
45061261 VISA credit GOLD
45061223 VISA credit GOLD
45061287 VISA credit GOLD
45061299 VISA credit GOLD
477549 VISA credit STANDARD
45061242 VISA credit GOLD
45061260 VISA credit GOLD
45061270 VISA credit GOLD
45061280 VISA credit GOLD
45061241 VISA credit GOLD
45061220 VISA credit GOLD
45061233 VISA credit GOLD
45061212 VISA credit GOLD
45061269 VISA credit GOLD
45061298 VISA credit GOLD
45061240 VISA credit GOLD
45061232 VISA credit GOLD
45061234 VISA credit GOLD
45061297 VISA credit GOLD
45061213 VISA credit GOLD
45061273 VISA credit GOLD
45061239 VISA credit GOLD
45061285 VISA credit CORPORATE
45061218 VISA credit GOLD
45061286 VISA credit GOLD
45061238 VISA credit GOLD
45061214 VISA credit GOLD
45061284 VISA credit GOLD
45061296 VISA credit GOLD
45061219 VISA credit GOLD
45061275 VISA credit GOLD
450612 VISA credit NULL
45061250 VISA credit GOLD
45061274 VISA credit GOLD
45061251 VISA credit GOLD
45061237 VISA credit GOLD
45061209 VISA credit GOLD
45061252 VISA credit GOLD
45061229 VISA credit GOLD
45061291 VISA credit GOLD
45061267 VISA credit GOLD
45061279 VISA credit GOLD
45061231 VISA credit GOLD
45061210 VISA credit GOLD
45061290 VISA credit GOLD
45061253 VISA credit GOLD
45061266 VISA credit GOLD
45061236 VISA credit GOLD
45061248 VISA credit GOLD
45061235 VISA credit GOLD
45061272 VISA credit GOLD

870 المزيد من IIN / BIN ...

New Zealand (NZ) 🡒 National Bank Of New Zealand, Ltd. : قائمة بن من البنوك

New Zealand (NZ) 🡒 National Bank Of New Zealand, Ltd. : شبكات البطاقات

VISA (103 BINs وجدت)

New Zealand (NZ) 🡒 National Bank Of New Zealand, Ltd. : أنواع البطاقات

credit (103 BINs وجدت)

New Zealand (NZ) 🡒 National Bank Of New Zealand, Ltd. : بطاقة العلامات التجارية

gold (99 BINs وجدت) corporate (1 BINs وجدت) null (1 BINs وجدت) standard (1 BINs وجدت)
traditional (1 BINs وجدت)
New Zealand New+Zealand+%28NZ%29+%26%23129106%3B+National+Bank+Of+New+Zealand%2C+Ltd. قائمة BIN

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