New Zealand (NZ) 🡒 VISA BIN列表



国旗 代码 名称 数字 纬度 经度
New Zealand IIN / BIN List NZ New Zealand 554 -40.900557 174.885971

New Zealand (NZ) 🡒 VISA : IIN / BIN列表

BIN 网络公司 卡片类型 卡片级别
45054948 VISA credit GOLD
43677442 VISA credit GOLD
43677470 VISA credit GOLD
45061258 VISA credit GOLD
49887358 VISA credit GOLD
49887338 VISA credit GOLD
49887321 VISA credit GOLD
49887317 VISA credit GOLD
47154065 VISA credit PURCHASING
47154093 VISA credit PURCHASING
47154011 VISA credit PURCHASING
45061204 VISA credit GOLD
43677494 VISA credit GOLD
47154035 VISA credit PURCHASING
45061291 VISA credit GOLD
492102 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
47154089 VISA credit PURCHASING
47154069 VISA credit PURCHASING
46408792 VISA debit CORPORATE
45061272 VISA credit GOLD
456492 VISA credit GOLD
45061276 VISA credit GOLD
48184364 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
43677413 VISA credit GOLD
49887324 VISA credit GOLD
45061220 VISA credit GOLD
49887357 VISA credit GOLD
43677417 VISA credit GOLD
45054976 VISA credit GOLD
43677440 VISA credit GOLD
47154051 VISA credit PURCHASING
454870 VISA credit CLASSIC
45061271 VISA credit GOLD
45061244 VISA credit GOLD
43677477 VISA credit GOLD
48184356 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45054947 VISA credit GOLD
45061232 VISA credit GOLD
47154002 VISA credit PURCHASING
47154014 VISA credit PURCHASING
45061200 VISA credit GOLD
45061245 VISA credit GOLD
43677493 VISA credit GOLD
436773 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
49887390 VISA credit PLATINUM
45061290 VISA credit GOLD
48068206 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
49887363 VISA credit GOLD
45054971 VISA credit GOLD
43677443 VISA credit GOLD
43677415 VISA credit GOLD
43677476 VISA credit GOLD
48184353 VISA debit TRADITIONAL
45054903 VISA credit GOLD
43677475 VISA credit GOLD
46408791 VISA debit CORPORATE
45061277 VISA credit GOLD
49887366 VISA credit GOLD
43677412 VISA credit GOLD
49887346 VISA credit GOLD
49887342 VISA credit GOLD
49887322 VISA credit GOLD
49887318 VISA credit GOLD
49887376 VISA credit GOLD
45054925 VISA credit GOLD
45061221 VISA credit GOLD
49887396 VISA credit PLATINUM
47154090 VISA credit PURCHASING

468 more IIN / BIN ...

New Zealand (NZ) 🡒 VISA : BIN列表来自银行

Anz National Bank, Ltd. (303 BINs 发现) National Bank Of New Zealand, Ltd. (103 BINs 发现) Canadian Imperial Bank Of Commerce (100 BINs 发现) Mid America Bank, F.s.b. (19 BINs 发现)
Valley Independent Bank (15 BINs 发现) La Federation Des Caisses Desjardins Du Quebec (11 BINs 发现) Interbank (9 BINs 发现) Asb Bank (8 BINs 发现)
Bank Of New Zealand (8 BINs 发现) Westpac Banking Corporation (7 BINs 发现) Anz Banking Group (new Zealand), Ltd. (5 BINs 发现) FIRST TENNESSEE BANK, N.A. (3 BINs 发现)
Visa New Zealand (3 BINs 发现) Anz Banking Group (2 BINs 发现) Cards Nz, Ltd. (2 BINs 发现) First Usa Bank (2 BINs 发现)
Interpayment Services, Ltd. (2 BINs 发现) Kiwibank (2 BINs 发现) National (2 BINs 发现) New Zealand Post (2 BINs 发现)
ANZ NATIONAL BANK, LTD. (1 BINs 发现) CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE (1 BINs 发现) Gem Visa (1 BINs 发现) Jpmorgan Chase Bank, N.a. (1 BINs 发现)
ST. GEORGE BANK, LTD. (1 BINs 发现) The National (1 BINs 发现) Tsb Bank, Ltd. (1 BINs 发现) WESTPAC NEW ZEALAND, LTD. (1 BINs 发现)
Westpac New Zealand, Ltd. (1 BINs 发现)

New Zealand (NZ) 🡒 VISA : 卡网络

VISA (653 BINs 发现)

New Zealand (NZ) 🡒 VISA : 卡片类型

credit (585 BINs 发现) debit (67 BINs 发现) charge (1 BINs 发现)

New Zealand (NZ) 🡒 VISA : 卡片品牌

gold (399 BINs 发现) purchasing (95 BINs 发现) traditional (77 BINs 发现) platinum (33 BINs 发现)
corporate (15 BINs 发现) standard (13 BINs 发现) null (7 BINs 发现) business (5 BINs 发现)
classic (5 BINs 发现) travel money (2 BINs 发现) prepaid (1 BINs 发现) proprietary (1 BINs 发现)
New Zealand New+Zealand+%28NZ%29+%26%23129106%3B+VISA BIN列表

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