Natixis 🡒 credit card BIN List

Table of Contents

Bank Issuer Information

Name Website Phone City
Natixis 33 (0) 1 78 40 90 00

Natixis 🡒 credit card : IIN / BIN List

BIN Network Company Card Type Card Level
49756586 VISA credit GOLD
497427725 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
49755190 VISA credit GOLD
49755194 VISA credit GOLD
49742992 VISA credit BUSINESS
49758627 VISA credit GOLD
49744026 VISA credit BUSINESS
49757635 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
49759514 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
49753747 VISA credit CORPORATE
49753140 VISA credit GOLD
49753113 VISA credit INFINITE
49752214 VISA credit INFINITE
497427369 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
49759665 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
49757427 VISA credit GOLD
49759645 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
49757240 VISA credit GOLD
49759641 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
497422813 VISA credit GOLD
497422704 VISA credit GOLD
497422866 VISA credit GOLD
497422890 VISA credit GOLD
49758683 VISA credit GOLD
497561 VISA credit NULL
49756078 VISA credit GOLD
497519884 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
497519872 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
477171 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
49752272 VISA credit CORPORATE
497522879 VISA credit CORPORATE
49752248 VISA credit CORPORATE
49757216 VISA credit INFINITE
49757591 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
49752232 VISA credit GOLD
497424810 VISA credit BUSINESS
497424866 VISA credit BUSINESS
45624508 VISA credit ELECTRON
456113 VISA credit GOLD
497422817 VISA credit GOLD
49742772 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
49757512 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45619790 VISA credit GOLD
49757570 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
49742792 VISA credit BUSINESS
45624551 VISA credit ELECTRON
49753165 VISA credit GOLD
497522885 VISA credit CORPORATE
497427500 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
49755175 VISA credit GOLD
49752211 VISA credit INFINITE
49754130 VISA credit GOLD
49743299 VISA credit BUSINESS
49755155 VISA credit GOLD
49757965 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
49757421 VISA credit GOLD
45619748 VISA credit GOLD
49756592 VISA credit GOLD
49757402 VISA credit INFINITE
49743991 VISA credit BUSINESS
49757612 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
49753629 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
49757257 VISA credit GOLD
497422728 VISA credit GOLD
497522867 VISA credit CORPORATE
49753755 VISA credit CORPORATE
49757212 VISA credit INFINITE
49755107 VISA credit INFINITE
49753677 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
49754126 VISA credit GOLD

2182 more IIN / BIN ...

Natixis 🡒 credit card : Countries

France IIN / BIN List France (4126 BINs)

Natixis 🡒 credit card : Card Networks

VISA (4126 BINs found)

Natixis 🡒 credit card : Card Types

credit (4126 BINs found)

Natixis 🡒 credit card : Card Brands

traditional (1781 BINs found) gold (1286 BINs found) business (385 BINs found) infinite (280 BINs found)
corporate (264 BINs found) electron (93 BINs found) null (34 BINs found) classic (1 BINs found)
platinum (1 BINs found) purchasing (1 BINs found)
Natixis BIN List

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