Mitsubishi Ufj Financial Group, Inc. 🡒 Romania BIN List

Table of Contents

Bank Issuer Information

Name Website Phone City
Mitsubishi Ufj Financial Group, Inc.

Country Issuer Information

Flag Code Name Numeric Latitude Longitude
Romania IIN / BIN List RO Romania 642 45.943161 24.96676

Mitsubishi Ufj Financial Group, Inc. 🡒 Romania : IIN / BIN List

BIN Network Company Card Type Card Level
45478604 VISA credit GOLD
45479993 VISA debit BUSINESS
45478703 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45478612 VISA debit BUSINESS
45478714 VISA debit TRADITIONAL
45479991 VISA debit INFINITE
45479982 VISA debit BUSINESS
45478630 VISA debit BUSINESS
45478707 VISA debit TRADITIONAL
45478621 VISA debit BUSINESS
45478629 VISA debit BUSINESS
45478609 VISA debit BUSINESS
45478712 VISA debit TRADITIONAL
45479983 VISA debit BUSINESS
45479989 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45478706 VISA debit TRADITIONAL
45478620 VISA debit BUSINESS
45478628 VISA debit BUSINESS
45478709 VISA debit TRADITIONAL
45478708 VISA debit TRADITIONAL
45478622 VISA debit BUSINESS
45478627 VISA debit BUSINESS
45478607 VISA debit BUSINESS
45479972 VISA debit GOLD
45478711 VISA debit TRADITIONAL
45478626 VISA debit BUSINESS
45479980 VISA debit BUSINESS
45478608 VISA debit BUSINESS
45479981 VISA debit BUSINESS
45479977 VISA debit ELECTRON
45478617 VISA debit BUSINESS
45478625 VISA debit BUSINESS
45478619 VISA debit BUSINESS
45478624 VISA debit BUSINESS
45478623 VISA debit BUSINESS
45478618 VISA debit BUSINESS
45479978 VISA debit ELECTRON
45479987 VISA debit TRADITIONAL
45478614 VISA debit BUSINESS
45479975 VISA debit ELECTRON
45479976 VISA debit ELECTRON
45478616 VISA debit BUSINESS
45479974 VISA debit ELECTRON
45478615 VISA debit BUSINESS
45478602 VISA credit GOLD
45478611 VISA debit BUSINESS
45479969 VISA credit BUSINESS
45478631 VISA debit BUSINESS
45478601 VISA credit GOLD
45478632 VISA debit BUSINESS
45478610 VISA debit BUSINESS
45478713 VISA debit TRADITIONAL
45478613 VISA debit BUSINESS
45478603 VISA credit GOLD
45478705 VISA debit TRADITIONAL

3289 more IIN / BIN ...

Mitsubishi Ufj Financial Group, Inc. 🡒 Romania : Countries

Romania IIN / BIN List Romania (55 BINs)

Mitsubishi Ufj Financial Group, Inc. 🡒 Romania : Card Networks

VISA (55 BINs found)

Mitsubishi Ufj Financial Group, Inc. 🡒 Romania : Card Types

debit (48 BINs found) credit (7 BINs found)

Mitsubishi Ufj Financial Group, Inc. 🡒 Romania : Card Brands

business (32 BINs found) traditional (12 BINs found) electron (5 BINs found) gold (5 BINs found)
infinite (1 BINs found)
Mitsubishi Ufj Financial Group, Inc. BIN List

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