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9513 liyane Iin / BIN ...
United States (977 BINs) | Gabon (76 BINs) | Canada (75 BINs) | Germany (67 BINs) |
Cameroon (63 BINs) | Côte d'Ivoire (55 BINs) | Guatemala (46 BINs) | Russian Federation (44 BINs) |
Japan (43 BINs) | United Kingdom (29 BINs) | Brazil (24 BINs) | France (21 BINs) |
Denmark (19 BINs) | Poland (18 BINs) | Spain (16 BINs) | Ukraine (16 BINs) |
Ireland (15 BINs) | Taiwan (14 BINs) | India (12 BINs) | Hong Kong (11 BINs) |
Italy (11 BINs) | Norway (11 BINs) | United Arab Emirates (11 BINs) | Lebanon (10 BINs) |
Sweden (9 BINs) | Malaysia (8 BINs) | Singapore (8 BINs) | Switzerland (8 BINs) |
Czech Republic (6 BINs) | Kazakhstan (6 BINs) | Australia (5 BINs) | New Zealand (5 BINs) |
Thailand (5 BINs) | The Netherlands (5 BINs) | Azerbaijan (4 BINs) | Belgium (4 BINs) |
China (4 BINs) | Finland (4 BINs) | Indonesia (4 BINs) | Kuwait (4 BINs) |
Moldova (4 BINs) | Puerto Rico (4 BINs) | Slovenia (4 BINs) | South Africa (4 BINs) |
Vietnam (4 BINs) | Argentina (3 BINs) | Austria (3 BINs) | Belarus (3 BINs) |
Cambodia (3 BINs) | Estonia (3 BINs) | Hungary (3 BINs) | Luxembourg (3 BINs) |
Mexico (3 BINs) | Philippines (3 BINs) | Saudi Arabia (3 BINs) | Bahrain (2 BINs) |
Bulgaria (2 BINs) | Costa Rica (2 BINs) | Croatia (2 BINs) | Greece (2 BINs) |
Jordan (2 BINs) | Lithuania (2 BINs) | Panama (2 BINs) | Portugal (2 BINs) |
Romania (2 BINs) | Armenia (1 BINs) | Barbados (1 BINs) | Brunei Darussalam (1 BINs) |
Chile (1 BINs) | Colombia (1 BINs) | Cyprus (1 BINs) | Ecuador (1 BINs) |
Georgia (1 BINs) | Iceland (1 BINs) | Latvia (1 BINs) | Macau (1 BINs) |
Montenegro (1 BINs) | Myanmar (1 BINs) | Nicaragua (1 BINs) | Nigeria (1 BINs) |
Paraguay (1 BINs) | Qatar (1 BINs) | Slovakia (Slovak Republic) (1 BINs) | Sri Lanka (1 BINs) |
MASTERCARD (1330 BINs ketemu) | VISA (532 BINs ketemu) |
traditional (386 BINs ketemu) | standard (164 BINs ketemu) | business (157 BINs ketemu) | debit business (140 BINs ketemu) |
platinium (137 BINs ketemu) | unembossed prepaid student (137 BINs ketemu) | gold (124 BINs ketemu) | debit (95 BINs ketemu) |
debit other 2 embossed (87 BINs ketemu) | corporate (50 BINs ketemu) | world (48 BINs ketemu) | credit (42 BINs ketemu) |
prepaid (41 BINs ketemu) | null (27 BINs ketemu) | classic (25 BINs ketemu) | new world (23 BINs ketemu) |
world debit embossed (21 BINs ketemu) | world elite (16 BINs ketemu) | fleet (10 BINs ketemu) | prepaid debit consumer incentive (10 BINs ketemu) |
prepaid debit gift (10 BINs ketemu) | gouvernment commercial (9 BINs ketemu) | hsa non substantiated (9 BINs ketemu) | titanium (9 BINs ketemu) |
commercial business (8 BINs ketemu) | debit business prepaid workplace business to business (8 BINs ketemu) | preferred business (8 BINs ketemu) | debit platinum (7 BINs ketemu) |
platinum (7 BINs ketemu) | black (4 BINs ketemu) | corporate immediate debit (4 BINs ketemu) | business immediate debit (3 BINs ketemu) |
prepaid debit other (3 BINs ketemu) | prepaid debit payroll (3 BINs ketemu) | prepaid debit travel (3 BINs ketemu) | standard prepaid (3 BINs ketemu) |
commercial charge (2 BINs ketemu) | credit business prepaid (2 BINs ketemu) | debit unembossed non u s (2 BINs ketemu) | prepaid debit teen (2 BINs ketemu) |
signature (2 BINs ketemu) | (1 BINs ketemu) | b2b virtual payments (1 BINs ketemu) | cirrus (1 BINs ketemu) |
commercial debit (1 BINs ketemu) | corporate world (1 BINs ketemu) | debit gold (1 BINs ketemu) | debit other (1 BINs ketemu) |
new world immediate debit (1 BINs ketemu) | prepaid debit employee incentive (1 BINs ketemu) | professional debit business (1 BINs ketemu) | purchasing (1 BINs ketemu) |
standard deferred (1 BINs ketemu) | standard immediate debit (1 BINs ketemu) | world for business (1 BINs ketemu) |
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