Italy (IT) 🡒 Credit Agricole, S.a. BIN List

Table of Contents

Country Issuer Information

Flag Code Name Numeric Latitude Longitude
Italy IIN / BIN List IT Italy 380 41.87194 12.56738

Bank Issuer Information

Name Website Phone City
Credit Agricole, S.a. 92-21) 35878698

Italy (IT) 🡒 Credit Agricole, S.a. : IIN / BIN List

BIN Network Company Card Type Card Level
45582211 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45582229 VISA credit ELECTRON
45582239 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45582227 VISA credit GOLD
45586305 VISA debit BUSINESS
45582232 VISA credit ELECTRON
45586311 VISA debit BUSINESS
45582216 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45582254 VISA debit V PAY
45586309 VISA debit BUSINESS
45582217 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45586322 VISA debit BUSINESS
45582231 VISA credit ELECTRON
45582244 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45586321 VISA debit BUSINESS
45582261 VISA debit V PAY
45582214 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45582224 VISA credit GOLD
45582215 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45582223 VISA credit GOLD
45586324 VISA debit BUSINESS
45582221 VISA credit GOLD
45586323 VISA debit BUSINESS
45582226 VISA credit GOLD
45582252 VISA credit GOLD
45582209 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45582222 VISA credit GOLD
45582248 VISA credit GOLD
45582225 VISA credit GOLD
45586317 VISA debit BUSINESS
45586328 VISA debit BUSINESS
45582255 VISA debit V PAY
45582219 VISA credit GOLD
45586312 VISA debit BUSINESS
45586316 VISA debit BUSINESS
45582220 VISA credit GOLD
45582237 VISA credit ELECTRON
45582256 VISA debit V PAY
45586325 VISA debit BUSINESS
45586313 VISA debit BUSINESS
45586315 VISA debit BUSINESS
45586319 VISA debit BUSINESS
45582257 VISA debit V PAY
45582242 VISA debit TRADITIONAL
45582234 VISA credit ELECTRON
45586326 VISA debit BUSINESS
45582233 VISA credit ELECTRON
45586318 VISA debit BUSINESS
45582258 VISA debit V PAY
45586303 VISA debit BUSINESS
45582236 VISA credit ELECTRON
45586332 VISA debit TRADITIONAL
45582259 VISA debit V PAY
45586308 VISA debit BUSINESS
45586331 VISA debit TRADITIONAL
45582235 VISA credit ELECTRON
45582212 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45586306 VISA debit BUSINESS
45586314 VISA debit BUSINESS
45582213 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45582247 VISA credit GOLD
45582210 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45586329 VISA debit BUSINESS
45586307 VISA debit BUSINESS
45582260 VISA debit V PAY
45582245 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45586304 VISA debit BUSINESS

672 more IIN / BIN ...

Italy (IT) 🡒 Credit Agricole, S.a. : List of BINs from Banks

Credit Agricole, S.a. (67 BINs found)

Italy (IT) 🡒 Credit Agricole, S.a. : Card Networks

VISA (67 BINs found)

Italy (IT) 🡒 Credit Agricole, S.a. : Card Types

debit (35 BINs found) credit (32 BINs found)

Italy (IT) 🡒 Credit Agricole, S.a. : Card Brands

business (24 BINs found) traditional (15 BINs found) gold (12 BINs found) electron (8 BINs found)
v pay (8 BINs found)
Italy Italy+%28IT%29+%26%23129106%3B+Credit+Agricole%2C+S.a. BIN List

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