2. Typical BIN Numbers - Interpayment Services, Ltd.
3. Countries - Interpayment Services, Ltd.
4. Card Networks - Interpayment Services, Ltd.
Name | Website | Phone | City |
Interpayment Services, Ltd. |
5003 more IIN / BIN ...
Brazil (41 BINs) | South Africa (9 BINs) | United States (9 BINs) | Australia (3 BINs) |
Japan (3 BINs) | United Kingdom (3 BINs) | Denmark (2 BINs) | Finland (2 BINs) |
India (2 BINs) | Kuwait (2 BINs) | Mexico (2 BINs) | New Zealand (2 BINs) |
Sweden (2 BINs) | Ukraine (2 BINs) | United Arab Emirates (2 BINs) | Canada (1 BINs) |
China (1 BINs) | Ghana (1 BINs) | Guatemala (1 BINs) | Israel (1 BINs) |
Jordan (1 BINs) | Malawi (1 BINs) | Mozambique (1 BINs) | Nigeria (1 BINs) |
Pakistan (1 BINs) | Russian Federation (1 BINs) | Singapore (1 BINs) | South Korea (1 BINs) |
Taiwan (1 BINs) | Venezuela (1 BINs) | Zimbabwe (1 BINs) |
VISA (102 BINs found) |
traditional (51 BINs found) | travel money (15 BINs found) | prepaid (13 BINs found) | electron (5 BINs found) |
business (4 BINs found) | standard (3 BINs found) | gold (2 BINs found) | null (2 BINs found) |
platinum (2 BINs found) | classic (1 BINs found) | infinite (1 BINs found) | prepaid travel money (1 BINs found) |
purchasing (1 BINs found) | signature (1 BINs found) |
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