Hong Leong 🡒 Malaysia BIN List

Table of Contents

Bank Issuer Information

Name Website Phone City
Hong Leong 60326161133

Country Issuer Information

Flag Code Name Numeric Latitude Longitude
Malaysia IIN / BIN List MY Malaysia 458 4.210484 101.975766

Hong Leong 🡒 Malaysia : IIN / BIN List

BIN Network Company Card Type Card Level
54878752 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
54878772 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
49028144 VISA credit GOLD
49028194 VISA credit GOLD
54878706 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
49028156 VISA credit GOLD
54878732 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
54878712 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
49028168 VISA credit GOLD
49028180 VISA credit PLATINUM
54878756 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
54878769 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
54878777 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
54878797 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
49028195 VISA credit GOLD
490281 VISA credit NULL
49028111 VISA credit GOLD
54878729 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
49028123 VISA credit GOLD
49028137 VISA credit GOLD
54878751 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
54878771 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
49028161 VISA credit GOLD
49028138 VISA credit GOLD
54878730 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
54878726 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
49028150 VISA credit GOLD
54878701 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
54878704 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
54878753 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
49028167 VISA credit GOLD
49028179 VISA credit GOLD
54878702 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
54878798 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
49028122 VISA credit GOLD
54878727 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
49028109 VISA credit GOLD
54878754 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
49028121 VISA credit GOLD
49028178 VISA credit GOLD
54878725 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
49028100 VISA credit GOLD
54878789 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
49028139 VISA credit GOLD
54878749 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
54878793 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
49028149 VISA credit GOLD
443159 VISA credit PLATINUM
54878790 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
54878714 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
49028196 VISA credit GOLD
54878774 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
49028128 VISA credit GOLD
54878734 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
54878738 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
54878750 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
49028110 VISA credit GOLD
54878796 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
54878773 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
54878791 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
54878747 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
54878733 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
49028140 VISA credit GOLD
49028188 VISA credit GOLD
49028164 VISA credit GOLD
54878711 MASTERCARD credit GOLD

2786 more IIN / BIN ...

Hong Leong 🡒 Malaysia : Countries

Malaysia IIN / BIN List Malaysia (211 BINs)

Hong Leong 🡒 Malaysia : Card Networks

VISA (106 BINs found) MASTERCARD (105 BINs found)

Hong Leong 🡒 Malaysia : Card Types

credit (209 BINs found) debit (2 BINs found)

Hong Leong 🡒 Malaysia : Card Brands

gold (198 BINs found) platinium (4 BINs found) platinum (3 BINs found) null (2 BINs found)
traditional (2 BINs found) debit (1 BINs found) standard (1 BINs found)
Hong Leong BIN List

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