Hong Leong 🡒 Malaysia BIN List

Table of Contents

Bank Issuer Information

Name Website Phone City
Hong Leong 60326161133

Country Issuer Information

Flag Code Name Numeric Latitude Longitude
Malaysia IIN / BIN List MY Malaysia 458 4.210484 101.975766

Hong Leong 🡒 Malaysia : IIN / BIN List

BIN Network Company Card Type Card Level
49028130 VISA credit GOLD
54878797 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
54878717 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
54878709 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
54878783 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
54878767 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
49028144 VISA credit GOLD
49028104 VISA credit GOLD
54878711 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
49028185 VISA credit GOLD
54878781 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
49028197 VISA credit GOLD
54878793 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
54878728 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
49028160 VISA credit GOLD
49028171 VISA credit GOLD
49028172 VISA credit GOLD
49028183 VISA credit GOLD
548787 MASTERCARD credit NULL
49028117 VISA credit GOLD
49028145 VISA credit GOLD
49028198 VISA credit GOLD
54878708 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
54878759 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
49028159 VISA credit GOLD
49028170 VISA credit GOLD
49028102 VISA credit GOLD
54878771 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
54878719 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
54878731 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
54878770 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
54878790 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
54878730 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
49028184 VISA credit GOLD
49028176 VISA credit GOLD
49028188 VISA credit GOLD
54878756 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
49028116 VISA credit GOLD
49028136 VISA credit GOLD
54878716 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
49028128 VISA credit GOLD
49028148 VISA credit GOLD
49028100 VISA credit GOLD
49028140 VISA credit GOLD
54878704 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
54878744 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
54878779 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
466250 VISA credit GOLD
54878721 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
54878733 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
49028149 VISA credit GOLD
54878792 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
49028175 VISA credit GOLD
49028196 VISA credit GOLD
49028135 VISA credit GOLD
54878778 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
49028101 VISA credit GOLD
49028141 VISA credit GOLD
54878718 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
54878757 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
49028127 VISA credit GOLD
54878768 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
54878706 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
54878788 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
49028162 VISA credit GOLD
54878748 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
49028134 VISA credit GOLD
54878745 MASTERCARD credit GOLD

4032 more IIN / BIN ...

Hong Leong 🡒 Malaysia : Countries

Malaysia IIN / BIN List Malaysia (211 BINs)

Hong Leong 🡒 Malaysia : Card Networks

VISA (106 BINs found) MASTERCARD (105 BINs found)

Hong Leong 🡒 Malaysia : Card Types

credit (209 BINs found) debit (2 BINs found)

Hong Leong 🡒 Malaysia : Card Brands

gold (198 BINs found) platinium (4 BINs found) platinum (3 BINs found) null (2 BINs found)
traditional (2 BINs found) debit (1 BINs found) standard (1 BINs found)
Hong Leong BIN List

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