Greece (GR) 🡒 Citibank Espana, S.a. BIN List

Table of Contents

Country Issuer Information

Flag Code Name Numeric Latitude Longitude
Greece IIN / BIN List GR Greece 300 39.074208 21.824312

Bank Issuer Information

Name Website Phone City
Citibank Espana, S.a.

Greece (GR) 🡒 Citibank Espana, S.a. : IIN / BIN List

BIN Network Company Card Type Card Level
46030182 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030128 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030165 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030107 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030177 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030111 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030102 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030108 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030105 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030180 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030195 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030130 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030166 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030191 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030178 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030133 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030129 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030104 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030132 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030163 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030188 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030164 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030176 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030134 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030135 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030190 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030131 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030148 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030147 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030136 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030161 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030175 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030150 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030138 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030118 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030162 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030187 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030173 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030199 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
46030114 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030159 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030171 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030117 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030149 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030189 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030140 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030113 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030144 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030120 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030152 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030174 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030137 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030160 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030185 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030143 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030119 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030116 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030142 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030115 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030157 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030181 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030151 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030169 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030194 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030141 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030172 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030101 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030198 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
46030122 VISA credit BUSINESS
46030154 VISA credit BUSINESS

492 more IIN / BIN ...

Greece (GR) 🡒 Citibank Espana, S.a. : List of BINs from Banks

Citibank Espana, S.a. (96 BINs found)

Greece (GR) 🡒 Citibank Espana, S.a. : Card Networks

VISA (96 BINs found)

Greece (GR) 🡒 Citibank Espana, S.a. : Card Types

credit (95 BINs found) debit (1 BINs found)

Greece (GR) 🡒 Citibank Espana, S.a. : Card Brands

business (94 BINs found) traditional (2 BINs found)
Greece Greece+%28GR%29+%26%23129106%3B+Citibank+Espana%2C+S.a. BIN List

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