GOLD 🡒 New Zealand Lista de BIN

Tabla de contenido

Información del Emisor del País

Bandera Código Nombre Numérico Latitud Longitud
New Zealand IIN / BIN List NZ New Zealand 554 -40.900557 174.885971

GOLD 🡒 New Zealand : Lista de IIN / BIN

BIN Empresa de red Tipo de tarjeta Nivel de tarjeta
49887329 VISA credit GOLD
43677415 VISA credit GOLD
49887308 VISA credit GOLD
45061265 VISA credit GOLD
540207 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
43677488 VISA credit GOLD
43677422 VISA credit GOLD
45061263 VISA credit GOLD
43677410 VISA credit GOLD
45061245 VISA credit GOLD
49887383 VISA credit GOLD
45054984 VISA credit GOLD
45061238 VISA credit GOLD
43677440 VISA credit GOLD
45054949 VISA credit GOLD
45054901 VISA credit GOLD
49887311 VISA credit GOLD
45061275 VISA credit GOLD
43677436 VISA credit GOLD
43677499 VISA credit GOLD
43677466 VISA credit GOLD
45061253 VISA credit GOLD
45061261 VISA credit GOLD
49887356 VISA credit GOLD
43677495 VISA credit GOLD
45061219 VISA credit GOLD
49887382 VISA credit GOLD
49887359 VISA credit GOLD
45054965 VISA credit GOLD
45054985 VISA credit GOLD
43677448 VISA credit GOLD
45061225 VISA credit GOLD
49887369 VISA credit GOLD
45061233 VISA credit GOLD
49887309 VISA credit GOLD
45061204 VISA credit GOLD
45061212 VISA credit GOLD
45054957 VISA credit GOLD
45054945 VISA credit GOLD
43677417 VISA credit GOLD
45061291 VISA credit GOLD
45054968 VISA credit GOLD
49887385 VISA credit GOLD
43677435 VISA credit GOLD
49887310 VISA credit GOLD
45061252 VISA credit GOLD
45061260 VISA credit GOLD
45061203 VISA credit GOLD
45061211 VISA credit GOLD
43677496 VISA credit GOLD
45054960 VISA credit GOLD
43677471 VISA credit GOLD
43677447 VISA credit GOLD
43677467 VISA credit GOLD
43677418 VISA credit GOLD
49887334 VISA credit GOLD
45054943 VISA credit GOLD
45061294 VISA credit GOLD
45061276 VISA credit GOLD
45054926 VISA credit GOLD
43677437 VISA credit GOLD
524732 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
43677411 VISA credit GOLD
45054986 VISA credit GOLD
49887306 VISA credit GOLD
45054903 VISA credit GOLD
45061295 VISA credit GOLD
45061230 VISA credit GOLD
45061221 VISA credit GOLD
45061283 VISA credit GOLD

2139 más IIN / BIN ...

GOLD 🡒 New Zealand : Países

New Zealand IIN / BIN List New Zealand (404 BINs)

GOLD 🡒 New Zealand : Lista de BIN de bancos

Anz National Bank, Ltd. (189 BINs encontró) National Bank Of New Zealand, Ltd. (99 BINs encontró) Canadian Imperial Bank Of Commerce (98 BINs encontró) Mid America Bank, F.s.b. (6 BINs encontró)
Asb Bank (3 BINs encontró) Anz Banking Group (new Zealand), Ltd. (2 BINs encontró) Kiwibank, Ltd. (2 BINs encontró) Bank Of New Zealand (1 BINs encontró)
New Zealand Post (1 BINs encontró) Westpac New Zealand, Ltd. (1 BINs encontró) Zip Network (1 BINs encontró)

GOLD 🡒 New Zealand : Redes de tarjetas

VISA (399 BINs encontró) MASTERCARD (5 BINs encontró)

GOLD 🡒 New Zealand : Tipos de tarjeta

credit (401 BINs encontró) debit (3 BINs encontró)
GOLD 🡒 New Zealand Lista de BIN

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