GOLD 🡒 Hong Kong BIN List


maan liikkeeseenlaskija Tietoja

Flag Koodi Nimi numeerinen Leveysaste Pituus
Hong Kong IIN / BIN List HK Hong Kong 344 22.396428 114.109497

GOLD 🡒 Hong Kong : Iin / BIN List

BIN Network Company Kortin tyyppi Card Level
44238240 VISA credit GOLD
42706232 VISA credit GOLD
45395011 VISA credit GOLD
54029071 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
49660496 VISA credit GOLD
45395035 VISA credit GOLD
54082033 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
469550 VISA credit GOLD
44238296 VISA credit GOLD
49660401 VISA credit GOLD
49660441 VISA credit GOLD
45607967 VISA credit GOLD
45607992 VISA credit GOLD
45607938 VISA credit GOLD
44238231 VISA credit GOLD
44238256 VISA credit GOLD
49660476 VISA credit GOLD
49660484 VISA credit GOLD
45607995 VISA credit GOLD
49660488 VISA credit GOLD
44238201 VISA credit GOLD
49660448 VISA credit GOLD
44238267 VISA credit GOLD
49660431 VISA credit GOLD
49660439 VISA credit GOLD
54180198 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
51549971 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
49660479 VISA credit GOLD
49660487 VISA credit GOLD
45395079 VISA credit GOLD
51550410 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
42706225 VISA credit GOLD
42706245 VISA credit GOLD
44238242 VISA credit GOLD
45395087 VISA credit GOLD
458127 VISA credit GOLD
42706218 VISA credit GOLD
54029086 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
54029099 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
45395012 VISA credit GOLD
54082004 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
49660497 VISA credit GOLD
45395036 VISA credit GOLD
49660449 VISA credit GOLD
44238266 VISA credit GOLD
49660489 VISA credit GOLD
54029098 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
45395063 VISA credit GOLD
45395065 VISA credit GOLD
42706231 VISA credit GOLD
54029073 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
54029069 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
45607932 VISA credit GOLD
45607956 VISA credit GOLD
49660438 VISA credit GOLD
45607948 VISA credit GOLD
45607968 VISA credit GOLD
44238295 VISA credit GOLD
44238283 VISA credit GOLD
45607912 VISA credit GOLD
49660442 VISA credit GOLD
42706248 VISA credit GOLD
54029060 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
44238239 VISA credit GOLD
45607935 VISA credit GOLD
479120 VISA credit GOLD
44238232 VISA credit GOLD
45607987 VISA credit GOLD
45607975 VISA credit GOLD
54029045 MASTERCARD credit GOLD

1255 lisää Iin / BIN ...

GOLD 🡒 Hong Kong : Maissa

Hong Kong IIN / BIN List Hong Kong (571 BINs)

GOLD 🡒 Hong Kong : Luettelo pankkien BINista

Hongkong And Shanghai Banking Corp., Ltd. (100 BINs löydetty) Chong Hing Bank, Ltd. (98 BINs löydetty) Hsbc (97 BINs löydetty) WING HANG BANK, LTD. (61 BINs löydetty)
Industrial And Commercial Bank Of China Asia), Ltd. (60 BINs löydetty) Dbs Bank (hong Kong), Ltd. (58 BINs löydetty) Bank Of East Asia, Ltd. (34 BINs löydetty) Icba Bancard (7 BINs löydetty)
Citibank (hong Kong), Ltd. (4 BINs löydetty) Bnp Paribas (3 BINs löydetty) Citic Bank International, Ltd. (3 BINs löydetty) Baiduri Bank Bhd (2 BINs löydetty)
Card Services For Credit Unions, Inc. (2 BINs löydetty) Community Bancservice Corporation (2 BINs löydetty) Dah Sing Bank, Ltd. (2 BINs löydetty) Fubon Bank (hong Kong), Ltd. (2 BINs löydetty)
Hang Seng Bank, Ltd. (2 BINs löydetty) Hongkong And Shanghai Banking Corporation, Ltd. (2 BINs löydetty) Its Bank (2 BINs löydetty) Rockland F.c.u. (2 BINs löydetty)
Aeon Credit Service (asia) Co., Ltd. (1 BINs löydetty) Aig Finance (hong Kong), Ltd. (1 BINs löydetty) Bank Of Communications (1 BINs löydetty) Bulbank, Ltd. (1 BINs löydetty)
First Commonwealth Bank (1 BINs löydetty) First Premier Bank (1 BINs löydetty) Germantown Federal Savings Bank (1 BINs löydetty) Jack Henry And Associates, Inc. (1 BINs löydetty)
Merrimack Valley F.c.u. (1 BINs löydetty) New England Bankcard Association, Inc. (1 BINs löydetty) Peoples Bank (1 BINs löydetty) Public Bank (hong Kong), Ltd. (1 BINs löydetty)
STANDARD CHARTERED BANK (1 BINs löydetty) Savings Bank Of Utica (1 BINs löydetty) Shanghai Commercial Bank, Ltd. (1 BINs löydetty) Standard Chartered Bank (hong Kong), Ltd. (1 BINs löydetty)
State Bank Of India (1 BINs löydetty) U.s. Bank N.a. Nd (1 BINs löydetty) WING LUNG BANK, LTD. (1 BINs löydetty) Wing Hang Bank, Ltd. (1 BINs löydetty)

GOLD 🡒 Hong Kong : Korttiverkot

VISA (446 BINs löydetty) MASTERCARD (125 BINs löydetty)

GOLD 🡒 Hong Kong : Korttityypit

credit (570 BINs löydetty) debit (1 BINs löydetty)
GOLD 🡒 Hong Kong BIN List

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