GOLD 🡒 Aib Group (uk) Plc BIN List

Table of Contents

GOLD 🡒 Aib Group (uk) Plc : IIN / BIN List

BIN Network Company Card Type Card Level
44623082 VISA credit GOLD
44623757 VISA credit GOLD
44623070 VISA credit GOLD
44623094 VISA credit GOLD
44623106 VISA credit GOLD
44623059 VISA credit GOLD
44623563 VISA credit GOLD
44623118 VISA credit GOLD
44623083 VISA credit GOLD
44623562 VISA credit GOLD
44623574 VISA credit GOLD
44623131 VISA credit GOLD
44623107 VISA credit GOLD
44623762 VISA credit GOLD
44623120 VISA credit GOLD
450925 VISA credit GOLD
44623045 VISA credit GOLD
44623105 VISA credit GOLD
44623057 VISA credit GOLD
44623093 VISA credit GOLD
44623761 VISA credit GOLD
44623560 VISA credit GOLD
44623084 VISA credit GOLD
44623072 VISA credit GOLD
44623141 VISA credit GOLD
44623579 VISA credit GOLD
44623566 VISA credit GOLD
44623132 VISA credit GOLD
44623071 VISA credit GOLD
44623092 VISA credit GOLD
44623133 VISA credit GOLD
44623085 VISA credit GOLD
44623142 VISA credit GOLD
44623140 VISA credit GOLD
44623119 VISA credit GOLD
44623103 VISA credit GOLD
44623091 VISA credit GOLD
44623062 VISA credit GOLD
44623143 VISA credit GOLD
44623115 VISA credit GOLD
44623127 VISA credit GOLD
44623086 VISA credit GOLD
44623763 VISA credit GOLD
44623104 VISA credit GOLD
44623564 VISA credit GOLD
44623580 VISA credit GOLD
44623049 VISA credit GOLD
44623128 VISA credit GOLD
44623073 VISA credit GOLD
44623090 VISA credit GOLD
44623565 VISA credit GOLD
44623114 VISA credit GOLD
44623087 VISA credit GOLD
44623117 VISA credit GOLD
44623075 VISA credit GOLD
44623060 VISA credit GOLD
44623048 VISA credit GOLD
44623129 VISA credit GOLD
44623569 VISA credit GOLD
44623074 VISA credit GOLD
44623047 VISA credit GOLD
44623089 VISA credit GOLD
44623088 VISA credit GOLD
44623130 VISA credit GOLD
44623116 VISA credit GOLD
44623061 VISA credit GOLD
44623570 VISA credit GOLD
44623102 VISA credit GOLD
44623052 VISA credit GOLD
44623076 VISA credit GOLD

1078 more IIN / BIN ...

GOLD 🡒 Aib Group (uk) Plc : Countries

Malaysia IIN / BIN List Malaysia (98 BINs) United Arab Emirates IIN / BIN List United Arab Emirates (27 BINs) United Kingdom IIN / BIN List United Kingdom (3 BINs)

GOLD 🡒 Aib Group (uk) Plc : List of BINs from Banks

Aib Group (uk) Plc (128 BINs found)

GOLD 🡒 Aib Group (uk) Plc : Card Networks

VISA (127 BINs found) MASTERCARD (1 BINs found)

GOLD 🡒 Aib Group (uk) Plc : Card Types

credit (128 BINs found)
GOLD 🡒 Aib Group (uk) Plc BIN List

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