France (FR) 🡒 Ba Merchant Services, Inc. BIN List

Table of Contents

Country Issuer Information

Flag Code Name Numeric Latitude Longitude
France IIN / BIN List FR France 250 46.227638 2.213749

Bank Issuer Information

Name Website Phone City
Ba Merchant Services, Inc. 1.866.538.3827

France (FR) 🡒 Ba Merchant Services, Inc. : IIN / BIN List

BIN Network Company Card Type Card Level
46103141 VISA credit GOLD
46103194 VISA debit ELECTRON
46103166 VISA debit GOLD
46103138 VISA credit GOLD
46103175 VISA debit ELECTRON
46103167 VISA debit GOLD
46103168 VISA debit GOLD
46103137 VISA credit GOLD
46103195 VISA debit ELECTRON
46103151 VISA debit GOLD
46103190 VISA debit ELECTRON
46103184 VISA debit ELECTRON
46103180 VISA debit ELECTRON
46103152 VISA debit GOLD
46103191 VISA debit ELECTRON
46103181 VISA debit ELECTRON
46103144 VISA credit GOLD
46103186 VISA debit ELECTRON
46103131 VISA credit GOLD
46103171 VISA debit ELECTRON
46103185 VISA debit ELECTRON
46103160 VISA debit GOLD
46103156 VISA debit GOLD
46103135 VISA credit GOLD
46103159 VISA debit GOLD
46103134 VISA credit GOLD
46103182 VISA debit ELECTRON
46103149 VISA credit GOLD
46103187 VISA debit ELECTRON
46103158 VISA debit GOLD
46103176 VISA debit ELECTRON
46103196 VISA debit ELECTRON
46103140 VISA credit GOLD
46103197 VISA debit ELECTRON
46103183 VISA debit ELECTRON
46103157 VISA debit GOLD
46103153 VISA debit GOLD
46103132 VISA credit GOLD
46103198 VISA debit ELECTRON
46103164 VISA debit GOLD
46103148 VISA credit GOLD
46103174 VISA debit ELECTRON
46103139 VISA credit GOLD
46103177 VISA debit ELECTRON
46103147 VISA credit GOLD
46103154 VISA debit GOLD
46103133 VISA credit GOLD
46103163 VISA debit GOLD
46103199 VISA debit ELECTRON
46103179 VISA debit ELECTRON
46103145 VISA credit GOLD
46103172 VISA debit ELECTRON
46103162 VISA debit GOLD
46103143 VISA credit GOLD
46103155 VISA debit GOLD
46103173 VISA debit ELECTRON
46103178 VISA debit ELECTRON
46103192 VISA debit ELECTRON
46103161 VISA debit GOLD
46103165 VISA debit GOLD
46103136 VISA credit GOLD
46103193 VISA debit ELECTRON
46103189 VISA debit ELECTRON
46103142 VISA credit GOLD
46103169 VISA debit GOLD
46103188 VISA debit ELECTRON

810 more IIN / BIN ...

France (FR) 🡒 Ba Merchant Services, Inc. : List of BINs from Banks

Ba Merchant Services, Inc. (66 BINs found)

France (FR) 🡒 Ba Merchant Services, Inc. : Card Networks

VISA (66 BINs found)

France (FR) 🡒 Ba Merchant Services, Inc. : Card Types

debit (48 BINs found) credit (18 BINs found)

France (FR) 🡒 Ba Merchant Services, Inc. : Card Brands

gold (37 BINs found) electron (29 BINs found)
France BIN List