2. Типичные номера BIN - First Data Corporation
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First Data Corporation | www.firstdata.com | +1 888-477-3611 |
7085 более ИИН / БИН ...
United Kingdom (329 BINs) | France (295 BINs) | Germany (193 BINs) | United States (187 BINs) |
Ireland (124 BINs) | Democratic Republic of the Congo (118 BINs) | Norway (103 BINs) | Ukraine (102 BINs) |
United Arab Emirates (102 BINs) | Zimbabwe (70 BINs) | The Netherlands (69 BINs) | Belgium (68 BINs) |
Finland (62 BINs) | Switzerland (60 BINs) | Poland (59 BINs) | Italy (44 BINs) |
Spain (34 BINs) | Taiwan (21 BINs) | Bulgaria (16 BINs) | Austria (14 BINs) |
Romania (14 BINs) | Czech Republic (13 BINs) | Portugal (9 BINs) | Hungary (8 BINs) |
Denmark (6 BINs) | Sweden (6 BINs) | India (5 BINs) | Brazil (4 BINs) |
Slovakia (Slovak Republic) (4 BINs) | Canada (3 BINs) | Costa Rica (3 BINs) | Croatia (3 BINs) |
Dominican Republic (3 BINs) | El Salvador (3 BINs) | Kazakhstan (3 BINs) | Nigeria (3 BINs) |
Panama (3 BINs) | South Korea (3 BINs) | Estonia (2 BINs) | Ghana (2 BINs) |
Indonesia (2 BINs) | Latvia (2 BINs) | Lithuania (2 BINs) | Luxembourg (2 BINs) |
Malaysia (2 BINs) | Russian Federation (2 BINs) | Serbia (2 BINs) | Slovenia (2 BINs) |
Vietnam (2 BINs) | Argentina (1 BINs) | Bangladesh (1 BINs) | Belarus (1 BINs) |
Belize (1 BINs) | Brunei Darussalam (1 BINs) | Cyprus (1 BINs) | Egypt (1 BINs) |
Gambia (1 BINs) | Hong Kong (1 BINs) | Iceland (1 BINs) | Jamaica (1 BINs) |
Kuwait (1 BINs) | Lao People's Democratic Republic (1 BINs) | Mexico (1 BINs) | Palestinian Territory (1 BINs) |
Qatar (1 BINs) | Rwanda (1 BINs) | Singapore (1 BINs) | Sri Lanka (1 BINs) |
Tunisia (1 BINs) | Uzbekistan (1 BINs) |
MASTERCARD (2209 BINs найденный) |
standard prepaid (639 BINs найденный) | mbs (472 BINs найденный) | credit business prepaid (307 BINs найденный) | business (208 BINs найденный) |
corporate (172 BINs найденный) | unembossed prepaid student (112 BINs найденный) | platinium (84 BINs найденный) | debit other 2 embossed (36 BINs найденный) |
hsa non substantiated (33 BINs найденный) | debit (21 BINs найденный) | debit business (19 BINs найденный) | prepaid debit gift (13 BINs найденный) |
standard (10 BINs найденный) | world (9 BINs найденный) | credit (8 BINs найденный) | null (8 BINs найденный) |
titanium (8 BINs найденный) | gold (7 BINs найденный) | world for business (6 BINs найденный) | debit platinum (5 BINs найденный) |
new world (5 BINs найденный) | world elite (5 BINs найденный) | prepaid debit payroll (4 BINs найденный) | debit business prepaid workplace business to business (3 BINs найденный) |
debit gold (2 BINs найденный) | world debit embossed (2 BINs найденный) | business immediate debit (1 BINs найденный) | commercial business (1 BINs найденный) |
commercial charge (1 BINs найденный) | corporate world (1 BINs найденный) | hsa substantiated (1 BINs найденный) | platinum prepaid travel (1 BINs найденный) |
prepaid debit employee incentive (1 BINs найденный) | prepaid maestro other (1 BINs найденный) | purchasing (1 BINs найденный) | standard immediate debit (1 BINs найденный) |
visa (1 BINs найденный) |
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