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Country Issuer Information

Flag Code Name Numeric Latitude Longitude
Spain IIN / BIN List ES Spain 724 40.463667 -3.74922

ELECTRON 🡒 Spain : IIN / BIN List

BIN Network Company Card Type Card Level
401815 VISA debit ELECTRON
419240 VISA debit ELECTRON
402528 VISA debit ELECTRON
491839 VISA debit ELECTRON
421942 VISA debit ELECTRON
459988 VISA debit ELECTRON
48005407 VISA debit ELECTRON
480937 VISA debit ELECTRON
48005461 VISA debit ELECTRON
483611 VISA debit ELECTRON
48005421 VISA debit ELECTRON
48005433 VISA debit ELECTRON
48005449 VISA debit ELECTRON
490156 VISA debit ELECTRON
479264 VISA debit ELECTRON
454637 VISA debit ELECTRON
447346 VISA debit ELECTRON
48005403 VISA debit ELECTRON
48005488 VISA debit ELECTRON
48005641 VISA debit ELECTRON
48005420 VISA debit ELECTRON
491838 VISA debit ELECTRON
454696 VISA debit ELECTRON
48005626 VISA debit ELECTRON
421941 VISA debit ELECTRON
401853 VISA debit ELECTRON
48005645 VISA debit ELECTRON
48005460 VISA debit ELECTRON
402008 VISA debit ELECTRON
447340 VISA debit ELECTRON
48005434 VISA debit ELECTRON
479267 VISA debit ELECTRON
48005640 VISA debit ELECTRON
48005410 VISA debit ELECTRON
48005476 VISA debit ELECTRON
457247 VISA debit ELECTRON
453947 VISA debit ELECTRON
48005450 VISA debit ELECTRON
494054 VISA debit ELECTRON
48005447 VISA debit ELECTRON
48005419 VISA debit ELECTRON
491846 VISA debit ELECTRON
48005431 VISA debit ELECTRON
48005499 VISA debit ELECTRON
454697 VISA debit ELECTRON
403569 VISA debit ELECTRON
48005402 VISA debit ELECTRON
403429 VISA debit ELECTRON
459967 VISA debit ELECTRON
48005477 VISA debit ELECTRON
457248 VISA debit ELECTRON
48005628 VISA debit ELECTRON
48005624 VISA debit ELECTRON
48005648 VISA debit ELECTRON
48005432 VISA debit ELECTRON
410642 VISA debit ELECTRON
432053 VISA debit ELECTRON
429529 VISA debit ELECTRON
48005635 VISA debit ELECTRON
48005401 VISA debit ELECTRON
48005411 VISA debit ELECTRON
415972 VISA debit ELECTRON
408574 VISA debit ELECTRON
421943 VISA debit ELECTRON
48005448 VISA debit ELECTRON
48005478 VISA debit ELECTRON
422871 VISA debit ELECTRON
477907 VISA debit ELECTRON
468763 VISA debit ELECTRON
48005649 VISA debit ELECTRON

6042 more IIN / BIN ...

ELECTRON 🡒 Spain : Countries

Spain IIN / BIN List Spain (342 BINs)

ELECTRON 🡒 Spain : List of BINs from Banks

Mbna America Bank (129 BINs found) Banco Cooperativo Espanol, S.a. (65 BINs found) Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria S.a. (bbva) (9 BINs found) Banco De Galicia, S.a. (9 BINs found)
Caja De Ahorros Y Pensiones De Barcelona(la Caixa) (5 BINs found) Caixa D'estalvis Unio De Caixes De Manlleu, Sabadell Y Terra (4 BINs found) Caixa Destalvis De Catalunya (caja De Ahorros De Cataluna) (4 BINs found) Ibercaja (caja De Ahorros Y Monte De Piedad De Zaragoza Arag (4 BINs found)
Bank Of America, N.a. (3 BINs found) Bankia (3 BINs found) Caixa Tarragona (caja De Ahorros Provincial De Tarragona) (3 BINs found) Caja Ahorros Gerona (3 BINs found)
Caja De Ahorros De La Inmaculada De Zaragoza (cai) (3 BINs found) Deutsche Bank S.a.e. (3 BINs found) Banco Cam S.a.u (2 BINs found) Banco De Finanzas E Inversiones S.a. (fibanc) (2 BINs found)
Banco Herrero, S.a. (2 BINs found) Banco Sabadell, S.a. (2 BINs found) Bankinter, S.a. (2 BINs found) Barclays Bank S.a.e. (2 BINs found)
Caixa Penedes (caja De Ahorros Del Penedes) (2 BINs found) Caixabank S.a. (2 BINs found) Caja De Ahorros De Galicia, Vigo, Orense Y Pontevedra (2 BINs found) Caja De Ahorros De La Rioja (caja Rioja) (2 BINs found)
Caja Espana De Inversiones C.a. Y M.p. (caja Espana) (2 BINs found) Caja Insular De Ahorros De Canarias (la Caja De Canarias) (2 BINs found) Caja Laboral Popular De Mondragon (2 BINs found) Citibank Espana, S.a. (2 BINs found)
La Caixa (2 BINs found) Lloyds Tsb Bank Plc, Sucursal En Espana (2 BINs found) Selyanskiy Commercial Bank Dnister (2 BINs found) Andbanc Luxembourg S.a. (1 BINs found)
Bancaja (caja De Ahorros De Valencia, Castellon Y Alicante) (1 BINs found) Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (duplicated Bid See 10021435) (1 BINs found) Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.a. (1 BINs found) Banco Caixa Geral, S.a. (1 BINs found)
Banco Caminos, S.a. (1 BINs found) Banco De La Pequena Y Mediana Empresa (bankpyme) (1 BINs found) Banco De Murcia, S.a. (1 BINs found) Banco Directo, S.a. (1 BINs found)
Banco Espirito Santo, S.a. (1 BINs found) Banco Etcheverria, S.a. (1 BINs found) Banco Finantia Sofinloc, S.a. (1 BINs found) Banco Halifax Hispania, S.a. (1 BINs found)
Bankoa, S.a. (1 BINs found) CAJA RURAL PROVINCIAL DE CORDOBA (1 BINs found) Caixa Destalvis De Manresa (1 BINs found) Caja De Ahorros De Vitoria Y Alvara (caja Vital) (1 BINs found)
Caja De Ahorros Y Monte De Piedad De Gipuzkoa Y San Sebastia (1 BINs found) Caja De Arquitectos (1 BINs found) Caja De Credito De Petrel (1 BINs found) Caja De Credito Del Colegio De Ingenieros De Cataluna (1 BINs found)
Caja Rural De Almeria Y Malaga (cajamar) (1 BINs found) Caja Rural De Guissona S.c.c. (1 BINs found) Caja Rural De Navarra (1 BINs found) Caja Rural Del Campo De Carinena (1 BINs found)
Caja Rural Provincial De Jaen (1 BINs found) Caja Rural Provincial De Malaga (1 BINs found) Caja Rural S. Vicente Ferrer Vall De Uxo (1 BINs found) Caja Rural San Isidro De Vall De Uxo (1 BINs found)
Caja Rurale De Almendralejo (1 BINs found) Eurobank Del Mediterraneo (eurobank) (duplicated Id See 10031185) (1 BINs found) Ipar Kutxa Rural (1 BINs found) Monte De Piedad Y Caja De Ahorros De Huelva Y Sevilla (el Monte) (1 BINs found)
Raiffeisen Bank Polska, S.a. (1 BINs found) Servired, Sociedad Espanola De Medios De Pago, S.a. (1 BINs found)

ELECTRON 🡒 Spain : Card Networks

VISA (342 BINs found)

ELECTRON 🡒 Spain : Card Types

debit (340 BINs found) credit (2 BINs found)

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