Curaçao (CW) 🡒 VISA BIN List

Table of Contents

Country Issuer Information

Flag Code Name Numeric Latitude Longitude
Curaçao IIN / BIN List CW Curaçao 531

Curaçao (CW) 🡒 VISA : IIN / BIN List

BIN Network Company Card Type Card Level
411819 VISA credit GOLD
45213996 VISA credit PLATINUM
422235 VISA credit GOLD
432913 VISA debit ELECTRON
451878 VISA credit STANDARD
422234 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
456396 VISA credit GOLD
430971 VISA credit GOLD
45769315 VISA credit BUSINESS
45769303 VISA credit BUSINESS
45213975 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45213988 VISA credit GOLD
45214014 VISA credit BUSINESS
45213984 VISA credit GOLD
443984 VISA credit STANDARD
470418 VISA debit PLATINUM
45769306 VISA credit BUSINESS
45769210 VISA credit GOLD
448744 VISA credit STANDARD
438233 VISA debit ELECTRON
432981 VISA debit ELECTRON
45769316 VISA credit BUSINESS
451879 VISA credit STANDARD
45769207 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
411812 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
469274 VISA debit PLATINUM
45214008 VISA credit BUSINESS
45213976 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
432916 VISA debit ELECTRON
45213985 VISA credit GOLD
419554 VISA debit PLATINUM
45769208 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
491062 VISA credit STANDARD
473123 VISA credit STANDARD
45214009 VISA credit BUSINESS
432982 VISA debit ELECTRON
422722 VISA credit STANDARD
491289 VISA credit CLASSIC
499926 VISA credit STANDARD
423619 VISA credit STANDARD
459492 VISA credit GOLD
45769304 VISA credit BUSINESS
45213986 VISA credit GOLD
45213981 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
441530 VISA credit STANDARD
473124 VISA credit STANDARD
422220 VISA credit PLATINUM
45213989 VISA credit GOLD
45769310 VISA credit BUSINESS
432980 VISA debit ELECTRON
459491 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45769228 VISA credit PLATINUM
45213997 VISA credit PLATINUM
45214000 VISA credit PLATINUM
45214013 VISA credit BUSINESS
45213974 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45213987 VISA credit GOLD
45213982 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
456369 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45769309 VISA credit BUSINESS
45769213 VISA credit GOLD
45769201 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
430919 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45214005 VISA credit BUSINESS
407691 VISA credit PLATINUM
45769319 VISA credit BUSINESS
480220 VISA credit BUSINESS

492 more IIN / BIN ...

Curaçao (CW) 🡒 VISA : List of BINs from Banks

Curaçao (CW) 🡒 VISA : Card Networks

VISA (190 BINs found)

Curaçao (CW) 🡒 VISA : Card Types

credit (159 BINs found) debit (31 BINs found)

Curaçao (CW) 🡒 VISA : Card Brands

business (45 BINs found) traditional (43 BINs found) platinum (32 BINs found) gold (30 BINs found)
standard (22 BINs found) electron (10 BINs found) infinite (3 BINs found) classic (2 BINs found)
gold premium (2 BINs found) signature (1 BINs found)
Curaçao Cura%C3%A7ao+%28CW%29+%26%23129106%3B+VISA BIN List

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