Credit 카드 🡒 Japan BIN 목록


국가 발급자 정보

깃발 코드 이름 숫자 위도 경도
Japan IIN / BIN List JP Japan 392 36.204824 138.252924

Credit 카드 🡒 Japan : IIN / BIN 목록

BIN 네트워크 회사 카드 종류 카드 레벨
53024252 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
49800153 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
47084959 VISA credit BUSINESS
520882 MASTERCARD credit NULL
49800166 VISA credit GOLD
52522389 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
498084 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
492321 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
47086657 VISA credit BUSINESS
45478716 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
51552978 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
498028 VISA credit BUSINESS
52522303 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
420520 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
52140826 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
49800108 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
52521477 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
47086787 VISA credit CORPORATE
5214988807 MASTERCARD credit WORLD ELITE
54463019 MASTERCARD credit CREDIT
45389850 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
180064 JCB credit STANDARD
453895 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
492329 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
527973 MASTERCARD credit NULL
53023100 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
453135 VISA credit NULL
47086888 VISA credit CORPORATE
47086016 VISA credit BUSINESS
54583656 MASTERCARD credit CREDIT
46851702 VISA credit GOLD
45389879 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
54897554 MASTERCARD credit CREDIT
453485 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
53024271 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
53023242 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
529601 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
45478196 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
47087800 VISA credit BUSINESS
453126 VISA credit CLASSIC
53023177 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
525218 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
53023273 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
45479391 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
517984 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
492341 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
51549793 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
46911623 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45313379 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
439106 VISA credit PLATINUM
47084947 VISA credit BUSINESS
45389802 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45258554 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
490125 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
529649 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
453122 VISA credit CLASSIC
45411440 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
453164 VISA credit TRADITIONAL

5057 더 많은 IIN / BIN ...

Credit 카드 🡒 Japan : 국가

Japan IIN / BIN List Japan (7256 BINs)

Credit 카드 🡒 Japan : 은행의 BIN 목록

Credit Saison Co., Ltd. (629 BINs 녹이다) Mitsubishi Ufj Financial Group, Inc. (499 BINs 녹이다) Dc Card Co., Ltd. (463 BINs 녹이다) Sumitomo Mitsui Card Co., Ltd. (394 BINs 녹이다)
Vja (258 BINs 녹이다) Jcb Co., Ltd. (200 BINs 녹이다) Uc Card Co., Ltd. (199 BINs 녹이다) Mitsubishi Ufj Nicos Co., Ltd. (173 BINs 녹이다)
Nippon Shinpan Co., Ltd. (170 BINs 녹이다) MITSUBISHI UFJ FINANCIAL GROUP, INC. (154 BINs 녹이다) Mitsuisumitomo (128 BINs 녹이다) Toyota Finance Corporation (120 BINs 녹이다)
Aplus Financial Co., Ltd. (109 BINs 녹이다) Minato Credit Co., Ltd. (105 BINs 녹이다) Jaccs Co., Ltd. (102 BINs 녹이다) Citi (101 BINs 녹이다)
American Express (98 BINs 녹이다) Mid America Bank, F.s.b. (98 BINs 녹이다) Mitsui Sumitomo (98 BINs 녹이다) Mbna America Bank (93 BINs 녹이다)
UC CARD CO., LTD. (91 BINs 녹이다) UCS CO., LTD. (85 BINs 녹이다) Micard Co., Ltd. (68 BINs 녹이다) Bankcard Service Japan Co., Ltd. (64 BINs 녹이다)
RAKUTEN CARD CO., LTD. (52 BINs 녹이다) Rakuten Card Co., Ltd. (51 BINs 녹이다) Midwest Payment Systems, Inc. (45 BINs 녹이다) NIPPON SHINPAN CO., LTD. (45 BINs 녹이다)
Aeon Credit Service Co., Ltd. (42 BINs 녹이다) Metabank (42 BINs 녹이다) Dc Card Company, Ltd. (40 BINs 녹이다) Central Finance Co., Ltd. (39 BINs 녹이다)
Card Services For Credit Unions, Inc. (37 BINs 녹이다) M And I (marshall And Ilsley) Bank (28 BINs 녹이다) First Commonwealth Bank (27 BINs 녹이다) First Premier Bank (26 BINs 녹이다)
Peoples Bank (26 BINs 녹이다) Jpmorgan Chase Bank, N.a. (25 BINs 녹이다) Regional Banks Association Of Japan (25 BINs 녹이다) Zip Network (25 BINs 녹이다)
Kyodo Credit Service Co., Ltd. (23 BINs 녹이다) Bank Of America (21 BINs 녹이다) CREDIT SAISON CO., LTD. (21 BINs 녹이다) DC CARD CO., LTD. (21 BINs 녹이다)
Hsbc Bank Usa, N.a. (19 BINs 녹이다) Ucs Co., Ltd. (19 BINs 녹이다) Community Bancservice Corporation (17 BINs 녹이다) Daiei Omc, Inc. (16 BINs 녹이다)
Orchard Bank (hsbc Group) (16 BINs 녹이다) Pulse Eft Association (16 BINs 녹이다) Citibank Japan (14 BINs 녹이다) Kokunai Shinpan Co., Ltd. (14 BINs 녹이다)
Suruga Card Co., Ltd. (14 BINs 녹이다) Community Bancservice Corporation, Inc. (12 BINs 녹이다) Kyushu Card Co., Ltd. (12 BINs 녹이다) Citi Cards Japan, Inc. (11 BINs 녹이다)
New England Bankcard Association, Inc. (11 BINs 녹이다) KRUNGTHAI CARD PUBLIC CO., LTD. (10 BINs 녹이다) Kinki Shinkin Credit Service Co., Ltd. (10 BINs 녹이다) NATIONAL CITY BANK (10 BINs 녹이다)
Orient Corporation (10 BINs 녹이다) Shinkin Bank Credit Service Co., Ltd. (10 BINs 녹이다) Usaa Savings Bank (10 BINs 녹이다) Canadian Tire Bank (9 BINs 녹이다)
Lansing Automakers F.c.u. (9 BINs 녹이다) Pocket Card Co., Ltd. (9 BINs 녹이다) Quoq Incorporated (9 BINs 녹이다) Resona Card Co., Ltd. (9 BINs 녹이다)
Sumishin Life Card Co., Ltd. (9 BINs 녹이다) Cedyna Financial Corporation (8 BINs 녹이다) Citibank (south Dakota), N.a. (8 BINs 녹이다) Jsc Vneshtorgbank Retail Financial Services (8 BINs 녹이다)
Visa Japan Association (8 BINs 녹이다) Westpac Banking Corporation (8 BINs 녹이다) Anz Grindlays Bank, Ltd. (7 BINs 녹이다) Branch Banking And Trust Company (7 BINs 녹이다)
Fiserv Solutions, Inc. (7 BINs 녹이다) MITSUBISHI UFJ NICOS CO., LTD. (7 BINs 녹이다) Mellon Bank, N.a. (7 BINs 녹이다) Palm Desert National Bank (7 BINs 녹이다)
Savings Bank Of Utica (7 BINs 녹이다) Star Processing, Inc. (7 BINs 녹이다) Chase Manhattan Bank Usa, N.a. (6 BINs 녹이다) Eds Employees F.c.u. (6 BINs 녹이다)
Gungin Card Co., Ltd. (6 BINs 녹이다) Lifecard Co., Ltd. (6 BINs 녹이다) Main Street Bank (6 BINs 녹이다) Mbna America Bank, N.a. (6 BINs 녹이다)
Omni Card Co., Ltd. (6 BINs 녹이다) Rbs Citizens, N.a. (6 BINs 녹이다) 77 Card Co., Ltd. (5 BINs 녹이다) Amerus Bank (5 BINs 녹이다)
Bank Of Fukuoka, Ltd. (5 BINs 녹이다) Bulbank, Ltd. (5 BINs 녹이다) CENTRAL FINANCE CO., LTD. (5 BINs 녹이다) Euro Kartensysteme Gmbh (5 BINs 녹이다)
Gogin Credit Co., Ltd. (5 BINs 녹이다) Jack Henry And Associates, Inc. (5 BINs 녹이다) Kinki Shinkin Card Co., Ltd. (5 BINs 녹이다) Shinkin Bank Card Co., Ltd. (5 BINs 녹이다)

Credit 카드 🡒 Japan : 카드 네트워크

VISA (3679 BINs 녹이다) MASTERCARD (3265 BINs 녹이다) JCB (209 BINs 녹이다) AMEX (103 BINs 녹이다)

Credit 카드 🡒 Japan : 카드 브랜드

traditional (1884 BINs 녹이다) gold (1434 BINs 녹이다) credit (1225 BINs 녹이다) business (1144 BINs 녹이다)
standard (803 BINs 녹이다) corporate (306 BINs 녹이다) platinium (106 BINs 녹이다) american express (103 BINs 녹이다)
null (83 BINs 녹이다) platinum (48 BINs 녹이다) classic (26 BINs 녹이다) standard prepaid (22 BINs 녹이다)
gold premium (16 BINs 녹이다) world (15 BINs 녹이다) world elite (14 BINs 녹이다) purchasing (10 BINs 녹이다)
commercial business (3 BINs 녹이다) credit business prepaid (3 BINs 녹이다) gold business (3 BINs 녹이다) cirrus (2 BINs 녹이다)
signature (2 BINs 녹이다) black (1 BINs 녹이다) debit gold (1 BINs 녹이다) infinite (1 BINs 녹이다)
prepaid debit consumer incentive (1 BINs 녹이다)
Credit 카드 🡒 Japan BIN 목록

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