Citicorp 🡒 Germany BIN List

Table of Contents

Bank Issuer Information

Name Website Phone City
Citicorp 82 2 3704 7100

Country Issuer Information

Flag Code Name Numeric Latitude Longitude
Germany IIN / BIN List DE Germany 276 51.165691 10.451526

Citicorp 🡒 Germany : IIN / BIN List

BIN Network Company Card Type Card Level
44763764 VISA credit GOLD
44763784 VISA credit GOLD
44763743 VISA credit GOLD
44763723 VISA credit GOLD
44763733 VISA credit GOLD
44763757 VISA credit GOLD
44763707 VISA credit GOLD
44763756 VISA credit GOLD
44763744 VISA credit GOLD
44763708 VISA credit GOLD
44763721 VISA credit GOLD
44763731 VISA credit GOLD
44763705 VISA credit GOLD
44763781 VISA credit GOLD
44763767 VISA credit GOLD
44763745 VISA credit GOLD
44763782 VISA credit GOLD
44763720 VISA credit GOLD
44763794 VISA credit GOLD
44763753 VISA credit GOLD
44763741 VISA credit GOLD
44763713 VISA credit GOLD
44763725 VISA credit GOLD
44763766 VISA credit GOLD
44763793 VISA credit GOLD
44763711 VISA credit GOLD
44763752 VISA credit GOLD
44763798 VISA credit GOLD
44763779 VISA credit GOLD
44763795 VISA credit GOLD
44763769 VISA credit GOLD
44763722 VISA credit GOLD
44763738 VISA credit GOLD
44763768 VISA credit GOLD
44763792 VISA credit GOLD
44763780 VISA credit GOLD
44763710 VISA credit GOLD
44763796 VISA credit GOLD
44763740 VISA credit GOLD
44763724 VISA credit GOLD
44763755 VISA credit GOLD
44763791 VISA credit GOLD
44763709 VISA credit GOLD
44763777 VISA credit GOLD
44763789 VISA credit GOLD
44763748 VISA credit GOLD
44763736 VISA credit GOLD
44763771 VISA credit GOLD
44763799 VISA credit GOLD
44763701 VISA credit GOLD
44763714 VISA credit GOLD
44763726 VISA credit GOLD
44763770 VISA credit GOLD
44763778 VISA credit GOLD
44763737 VISA credit GOLD
44763717 VISA credit GOLD
44763702 VISA credit GOLD
44763727 VISA credit GOLD
44763775 VISA credit GOLD
44763774 VISA credit GOLD
44763787 VISA credit GOLD
44763728 VISA credit GOLD
44763751 VISA credit GOLD
44763739 VISA credit GOLD
44763790 VISA credit GOLD
44763729 VISA credit GOLD
44763750 VISA credit GOLD
44763776 VISA credit GOLD
44763715 VISA credit GOLD
44763773 VISA credit GOLD

9663 more IIN / BIN ...

Citicorp 🡒 Germany : Countries

Germany IIN / BIN List Germany (97 BINs)

Citicorp 🡒 Germany : Card Networks

VISA (97 BINs found)

Citicorp 🡒 Germany : Card Types

credit (97 BINs found)

Citicorp 🡒 Germany : Card Brands

gold (97 BINs found)
Citicorp BIN List

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