BUSINESS 🡒 Switzerland Lista de BIN

Tabela de Conteúdos

Informações sobre o Emitente do País

Flag Código Nome Numérico Latitude Longitude
Switzerland IIN / BIN List CH Switzerland 756 46.818188 8.227512

BUSINESS 🡒 Switzerland : Lista de IIN / BIN

BIN Empresa de Rede Tipo de cartão Nível de cartão
46423427 VISA credit BUSINESS
46423338 VISA credit BUSINESS
46423297 VISA credit BUSINESS
46423470 VISA credit BUSINESS
46423421 VISA credit BUSINESS
44915688 VISA debit BUSINESS
44915634 VISA debit BUSINESS
46423370 VISA credit BUSINESS
46423482 VISA credit BUSINESS
46423393 VISA credit BUSINESS
44926603 VISA debit BUSINESS
44915643 VISA debit BUSINESS
44915614 VISA debit BUSINESS
44145460 VISA credit BUSINESS
412596 VISA credit BUSINESS
457025 VISA credit BUSINESS
495062 VISA debit BUSINESS
44926672 VISA debit BUSINESS
44926652 VISA debit BUSINESS
44915683 VISA debit BUSINESS
44915670 VISA debit BUSINESS
46423336 VISA credit BUSINESS
46423295 VISA credit BUSINESS
44145447 VISA credit BUSINESS
46423442 VISA credit BUSINESS
46423384 VISA credit BUSINESS
46423298 VISA credit BUSINESS
44926662 VISA debit BUSINESS
44926613 VISA debit BUSINESS
46423422 VISA credit BUSINESS
44915621 VISA debit BUSINESS
46423294 VISA credit BUSINESS
44926643 VISA debit BUSINESS
46423382 VISA credit BUSINESS
44926628 VISA debit BUSINESS
46423478 VISA credit BUSINESS
46423425 VISA credit BUSINESS
46423409 VISA credit BUSINESS
46423398 VISA credit BUSINESS
44915694 VISA debit BUSINESS
44926665 VISA debit BUSINESS
44926653 VISA debit BUSINESS
44926611 VISA debit BUSINESS
46423471 VISA credit BUSINESS
44915653 VISA debit BUSINESS
46423454 VISA credit BUSINESS
46423401 VISA credit BUSINESS
46423374 VISA credit BUSINESS
46423386 VISA credit BUSINESS
44915674 VISA debit BUSINESS
44915633 VISA debit BUSINESS
46423322 VISA credit BUSINESS
46423457 VISA credit BUSINESS
44926648 VISA debit BUSINESS
44915580 VISA debit BUSINESS
495061 VISA debit BUSINESS
44145446 VISA credit BUSINESS
46423485 VISA credit BUSINESS
468939 VISA credit BUSINESS
44926635 VISA debit BUSINESS
44926627 VISA debit BUSINESS
44915695 VISA debit BUSINESS
46423293 VISA credit BUSINESS
44915654 VISA debit BUSINESS
46423455 VISA credit BUSINESS
412599 VISA credit BUSINESS

7872 Mais IIN / BIN ...

BUSINESS 🡒 Switzerland : Países

Switzerland IIN / BIN List Switzerland (446 BINs)

BUSINESS 🡒 Switzerland : Lista de BIN de bancos

Mbna America Bank, N.a. (103 BINs encontrado) Vista Federal Credit Union (walt Disney World) (73 BINs encontrado) Corner Banca, S.a. (19 BINs encontrado) Town North Bank, N.a. (18 BINs encontrado)
Ubs Ag (union Bank Of Switzerland) (5 BINs encontrado) Topcard Service, S.a. (4 BINs encontrado) ASOCIACION LA NACIONAL DE AHORROS Y PRESTAMOS (3 BINs encontrado) Banco Atlantida, S.a. (2 BINs encontrado)
Bankcard Service Japan Co., Ltd. (2 BINs encontrado) M And I (marshall And Ilsley) Bank (2 BINs encontrado) Topcard Service Ag (2 BINs encontrado) Viseca Card Services, S.a. (2 BINs encontrado)
Credit Suisse (1 BINs encontrado) Swiss Post (1 BINs encontrado) Ubs Ag (1 BINs encontrado)

BUSINESS 🡒 Switzerland : Redes de Cartões

VISA (426 BINs encontrado) MASTERCARD (20 BINs encontrado)

BUSINESS 🡒 Switzerland : Tipos de cartão

credit (258 BINs encontrado) debit (188 BINs encontrado)
BUSINESS 🡒 Switzerland Lista de BIN

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