BUSINESS 🡒 South Africa BIN列表



国旗 代码 名称 数字 纬度 经度
South Africa IIN / BIN List ZA South Africa 710 -30.559482 22.937506

BUSINESS 🡒 South Africa : IIN / BIN列表

BIN 网络公司 卡片类型 卡片级别
424518 VISA credit BUSINESS
46408829 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170625 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170613 VISA debit BUSINESS
44166726 VISA debit BUSINESS
44166698 VISA debit BUSINESS
485703 VISA credit BUSINESS
44893219 VISA credit BUSINESS
44893215 VISA credit BUSINESS
44893243 VISA credit BUSINESS
44893239 VISA credit BUSINESS
44166684 VISA debit BUSINESS
46124349 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170616 VISA debit BUSINESS
455019 VISA credit BUSINESS
44893270 VISA credit BUSINESS
44892770 VISA credit BUSINESS
44893294 VISA credit BUSINESS
44892750 VISA credit BUSINESS
44892774 VISA credit BUSINESS
44170643 VISA debit BUSINESS
46126563 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170626 VISA debit BUSINESS
44166643 VISA debit BUSINESS
44166725 VISA debit BUSINESS
44166700 VISA debit BUSINESS
44893276 VISA credit BUSINESS
44893300 VISA credit BUSINESS
46124366 VISA debit BUSINESS
44166648 VISA debit BUSINESS
44166655 VISA debit BUSINESS
46126588 VISA debit BUSINESS
46126584 VISA debit BUSINESS
44893216 VISA credit BUSINESS
44893240 VISA credit BUSINESS
44170653 VISA debit BUSINESS
46126448 VISA debit BUSINESS
44892769 VISA credit BUSINESS
422824 VISA credit BUSINESS
44892793 VISA credit BUSINESS
44893319 VISA credit BUSINESS
44166714 VISA debit BUSINESS
46126552 VISA debit BUSINESS
46124344 VISA debit BUSINESS
44166679 VISA debit BUSINESS
44892759 VISA credit BUSINESS
44166642 VISA debit BUSINESS
428104 VISA debit BUSINESS
45494287 VISA credit BUSINESS
44697591 VISA debit BUSINESS
46126589 VISA debit BUSINESS
46124363 VISA debit BUSINESS
44166699 VISA debit BUSINESS
44892755 VISA credit BUSINESS
44893299 VISA credit BUSINESS
44893295 VISA credit BUSINESS
44893320 VISA credit BUSINESS
44170612 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170624 VISA debit BUSINESS
44166718 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170660 VISA debit BUSINESS
44697590 VISA debit BUSINESS
413456 VISA credit BUSINESS
45479793 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170621 VISA debit BUSINESS
44892796 VISA credit BUSINESS
44170648 VISA debit BUSINESS
44892776 VISA credit BUSINESS
44170589 VISA debit BUSINESS
44166660 VISA debit BUSINESS

4642 more IIN / BIN ...

BUSINESS 🡒 South Africa : 国家

South Africa IIN / BIN List South Africa (475 BINs)

BUSINESS 🡒 South Africa : BIN列表来自银行

National City Bank (173 BINs 发现) Banco Elca, S.a. (73 BINs 发现) Bank Of America (24 BINs 发现) Firstrand Bank, Ltd. (7 BINs 发现)
Absa Group, Ltd. (6 BINs 发现) Bank Of America, N.a. (6 BINs 发现) Mitsubishi Ufj Financial Group, Inc. (4 BINs 发现) Nedbank, Ltd. (4 BINs 发现)
Mercantile Bank, Ltd. (3 BINs 发现) Absa Bank, Ltd. (2 BINs 发现) NEDBANK, LTD. (2 BINs 发现) ABSA BANK, LTD. (1 BINs 发现)
Banco Popular De Puerto Rico (1 BINs 发现) Bankcard Service Japan Co., Ltd. (1 BINs 发现) Bidvest Bank (1 BINs 发现) FIRST TENNESSEE BANK, N.A. (1 BINs 发现)
Interbank (1 BINs 发现) Investec (1 BINs 发现) Investec Bank, Ltd. (1 BINs 发现) M And I (marshall And Ilsley) Bank (1 BINs 发现)
Nedcor Bank, Ltd. (1 BINs 发现) Rand Merchant Bank (1 BINs 发现) Standard Bank Of South Africa (1 BINs 发现) Standard Bank Of South Africa, Ltd. (1 BINs 发现)

BUSINESS 🡒 South Africa : 卡网络

VISA (468 BINs 发现) MASTERCARD (7 BINs 发现)

BUSINESS 🡒 South Africa : 卡片类型

debit (272 BINs 发现) credit (203 BINs 发现)
BUSINESS 🡒 South Africa BIN列表

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