Barclays Bank Plc 🡒 GOLD card BIN List

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Bank Issuer Information

Name Website Phone City
Barclays Bank Plc +91 22 6719 6400

Barclays Bank Plc 🡒 GOLD card : IIN / BIN List

BIN Network Company Card Type Card Level
45017372 VISA credit GOLD
45017343 VISA credit GOLD
45017392 VISA credit GOLD
51877672 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
45017366 VISA credit GOLD
430413 VISA credit GOLD
45017376 VISA credit GOLD
45017360 VISA credit GOLD
51877670 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
45018965 VISA debit GOLD
45017377 VISA credit GOLD
45017363 VISA credit GOLD
45017317 VISA credit GOLD
45017342 VISA credit GOLD
45017361 VISA credit GOLD
45017333 VISA credit GOLD
45017373 VISA credit GOLD
45018956 VISA debit GOLD
45018966 VISA debit GOLD
530124 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
45115449 VISA credit GOLD
45115445 VISA credit GOLD
45017393 VISA credit GOLD
45017386 VISA credit GOLD
45017326 VISA credit GOLD
54250316 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
51877679 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
45115448 VISA credit GOLD
45017332 VISA credit GOLD
45018962 VISA debit GOLD
45017315 VISA credit GOLD
45017327 VISA credit GOLD
51877660 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
451166 VISA credit GOLD
492940 VISA credit GOLD
51877661 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
45017314 VISA credit GOLD
45017358 VISA credit GOLD
45017362 VISA credit GOLD
45018964 VISA debit GOLD
45017381 VISA credit GOLD
45018963 VISA debit GOLD
51877678 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
45017305 VISA credit GOLD
45018958 VISA debit GOLD
45018954 VISA debit GOLD
429590 VISA credit GOLD
45017364 VISA credit GOLD
45017304 VISA credit GOLD
51877675 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
45017359 VISA credit GOLD
406475 VISA credit GOLD
45017348 VISA credit GOLD
45017336 VISA credit GOLD
45018955 VISA debit GOLD
45018957 VISA debit GOLD
45018969 VISA debit GOLD
45017370 VISA credit GOLD
45017302 VISA credit GOLD
45017330 VISA credit GOLD
45017349 VISA credit GOLD
45017399 VISA credit GOLD
490638 VISA credit GOLD
54250310 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
45017331 VISA credit GOLD
45018952 VISA debit GOLD
45018968 VISA debit GOLD
456812 VISA credit GOLD
45115523 VISA credit GOLD
450184 VISA credit GOLD

7713 more IIN / BIN ...

Barclays Bank Plc 🡒 GOLD card : Countries

Thailand IIN / BIN List Thailand (98 BINs) Italy IIN / BIN List Italy (22 BINs) Kazakhstan IIN / BIN List Kazakhstan (19 BINs) Germany IIN / BIN List Germany (12 BINs)
Indonesia IIN / BIN List Indonesia (12 BINs) United Kingdom IIN / BIN List United Kingdom (7 BINs) Portugal IIN / BIN List Portugal (4 BINs) Argentina IIN / BIN List Argentina (1 BINs)
India IIN / BIN List India (1 BINs) Spain IIN / BIN List Spain (1 BINs)

Barclays Bank Plc 🡒 GOLD card : Card Networks

VISA (145 BINs found) MASTERCARD (32 BINs found)

Barclays Bank Plc 🡒 GOLD card : Card Types

credit (157 BINs found) debit (20 BINs found)

Barclays Bank Plc 🡒 GOLD card : Card Brands

gold (177 BINs found)
Barclays Bank Plc BIN List

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