Banco Elca, S.a. 🡒 South Africa BIN List

Table of Contents

Bank Issuer Information

Name Website Phone City
Banco Elca, S.a. (506) 2223-2810

Country Issuer Information

Flag Code Name Numeric Latitude Longitude
South Africa IIN / BIN List ZA South Africa 710 -30.559482 22.937506

Banco Elca, S.a. 🡒 South Africa : IIN / BIN List

BIN Network Company Card Type Card Level
44170546 VISA credit PLATINUM
44170592 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170535 VISA credit PLATINUM
44170599 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170574 VISA credit PLATINUM
44170647 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170569 VISA credit PLATINUM
44170621 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170638 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170591 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170555 VISA credit PLATINUM
44170635 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170652 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170617 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170588 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170613 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170641 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170637 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170596 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170610 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170549 VISA credit PLATINUM
44170653 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170518 VISA credit PLATINUM
44170657 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170572 VISA credit PLATINUM
44170634 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170616 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170521 VISA credit PLATINUM
44170557 VISA credit PLATINUM
44170553 VISA credit PLATINUM
44170656 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170526 VISA credit PLATINUM
44170580 VISA credit PLATINUM
44170650 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170654 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170595 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170522 VISA credit PLATINUM
44170631 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170554 VISA credit PLATINUM
44170651 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170525 VISA credit PLATINUM
44170575 VISA credit PLATINUM
44170614 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170598 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170636 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170538 VISA credit PLATINUM
44170560 VISA credit PLATINUM
44170524 VISA credit PLATINUM
44170556 VISA credit PLATINUM
44170603 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170532 VISA credit PLATINUM
44170627 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170559 VISA credit PLATINUM
44170573 VISA credit PLATINUM
44170655 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170568 VISA credit PLATINUM
44170606 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170564 VISA credit PLATINUM
44170579 VISA credit PLATINUM
44170523 VISA credit PLATINUM
44170630 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170582 VISA credit PLATINUM
44170544 VISA credit PLATINUM
44170539 VISA credit PLATINUM
44170660 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170533 VISA credit PLATINUM
44170612 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170593 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170661 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170633 VISA debit BUSINESS

8464 more IIN / BIN ...

Banco Elca, S.a. 🡒 South Africa : Countries

South Africa IIN / BIN List South Africa (138 BINs)

Banco Elca, S.a. 🡒 South Africa : Card Networks

VISA (138 BINs found)

Banco Elca, S.a. 🡒 South Africa : Card Types

debit (73 BINs found) credit (65 BINs found)

Banco Elca, S.a. 🡒 South Africa : Card Brands

business (73 BINs found) platinum (65 BINs found)
Banco Elca, S.a. BIN List

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