VISA 🡒 Hongkong And Shanghai Banking Corp., Ltd. BIN List

Table of Contents

VISA 🡒 Hongkong And Shanghai Banking Corp., Ltd. : IIN / BIN List

BIN Network Company Card Type Card Level
45607959 VISA credit GOLD
45607947 VISA credit GOLD
464957 VISA debit STANDARD
456079 VISA credit NULL
45607912 VISA credit GOLD
400213 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
486401 VISA credit CORPORATE
491076 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
492160 VISA credit PLATINUM
445094 VISA credit GOLD
411908 VISA credit CLASSIC
464937 VISA debit STANDARD
448404 VISA credit PURCHASING
464983 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45607952 VISA credit GOLD
455377 VISA debit SIGNATURE
45607933 VISA credit GOLD
429389 VISA credit STANDARD
438459 VISA credit GOLD
455378 VISA credit SIGNATURE
472032 VISA credit STANDARD
430337 VISA debit PLATINUM
49106109 VISA credit BUSINESS
45607903 VISA credit GOLD
45607939 VISA credit GOLD
45607948 VISA credit GOLD
461759 VISA credit STANDARD
491077 VISA credit PLATINUM
45607951 VISA credit GOLD
472053 VISA credit STANDARD
45607922 VISA credit GOLD
402384 VISA credit STANDARD
45607976 VISA credit GOLD
45607958 VISA credit GOLD
432707 VISA credit STANDARD
442342 VISA credit STANDARD
467190 VISA credit GOLD
492293 VISA credit CLASSIC
455227 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
472008 VISA credit STANDARD
464992 VISA debit STANDARD
450329 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45607988 VISA credit GOLD
49106108 VISA credit BUSINESS
45607996 VISA credit GOLD
45607902 VISA credit GOLD
445093 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45607940 VISA credit GOLD
472078 VISA credit STANDARD
490900 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45607981 VISA credit GOLD
472039 VISA credit CORPORATE
486269 VISA credit PLATINUM
45607950 VISA credit GOLD
45607941 VISA credit GOLD
464977 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
437793 VISA credit PLATINUM
45607921 VISA credit GOLD
45607960 VISA credit GOLD
464994 VISA debit STANDARD
45607989 VISA credit GOLD
472054 VISA credit STANDARD
402892 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
433392 VISA credit STANDARD
49106106 VISA credit BUSINESS
45607970 VISA credit GOLD
45607942 VISA credit GOLD

4645 more IIN / BIN ...

VISA 🡒 Hongkong And Shanghai Banking Corp., Ltd. : Countries

Hong Kong IIN / BIN List Hong Kong (108 BINs) Sri Lanka IIN / BIN List Sri Lanka (51 BINs) United States IIN / BIN List United States (27 BINs) India IIN / BIN List India (13 BINs)
Singapore IIN / BIN List Singapore (10 BINs) China IIN / BIN List China (9 BINs) Macau IIN / BIN List Macau (5 BINs) Brunei Darussalam IIN / BIN List Brunei Darussalam (4 BINs)
Mauritius IIN / BIN List Mauritius (4 BINs) Thailand IIN / BIN List Thailand (4 BINs) Vietnam IIN / BIN List Vietnam (4 BINs) Bangladesh IIN / BIN List Bangladesh (3 BINs)
Guatemala IIN / BIN List Guatemala (3 BINs) Philippines IIN / BIN List Philippines (3 BINs) Guam IIN / BIN List Guam (2 BINs) Indonesia IIN / BIN List Indonesia (2 BINs)
Japan IIN / BIN List Japan (2 BINs) Pakistan IIN / BIN List Pakistan (2 BINs) Taiwan IIN / BIN List Taiwan (2 BINs) Maldives IIN / BIN List Maldives (1 BINs)
South Korea IIN / BIN List South Korea (1 BINs)

VISA 🡒 Hongkong And Shanghai Banking Corp., Ltd. : List of BINs from Banks

VISA 🡒 Hongkong And Shanghai Banking Corp., Ltd. : Card Types

credit (222 BINs found) debit (38 BINs found)

VISA 🡒 Hongkong And Shanghai Banking Corp., Ltd. : Card Brands

gold (113 BINs found) standard (58 BINs found) traditional (30 BINs found) business (25 BINs found)
platinum (11 BINs found) classic (8 BINs found) corporate (4 BINs found) signature (4 BINs found)
corporate t e (2 BINs found) null (2 BINs found) infinite (1 BINs found) plus (1 BINs found)
purchasing (1 BINs found)
VISA 🡒 Hongkong And Shanghai Banking Corp., Ltd. BIN List

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