VISA 🡒 Costa Rica BIN List


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Flag Koodi Nimi numeerinen Leveysaste Pituus
Costa Rica IIN / BIN List CR Costa Rica 188 9.748917 -83.753428

VISA 🡒 Costa Rica : Iin / BIN List

BIN Network Company Kortin tyyppi Card Level
45172645 VISA credit BUSINESS
45179039 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
473299 VISA debit ELECTRON
455736 VISA credit GOLD PREMIUM
44159210 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45179054 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
483079 VISA debit PLATINUM
491298 VISA credit GOLD
45179081 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
44158216 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45170727 VISA credit BUSINESS
45170884 VISA credit SIGNATURE
454736 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45179098 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45172432 VISA credit BUSINESS
404485 VISA credit PLATINUM
435092 VISA credit BUSINESS
44158105 VISA credit GOLD
485966 VISA credit STANDARD
45379264 VISA credit BUSINESS
44159028 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
410348 VISA credit PLATINUM
46387463 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45379308 VISA credit SIGNATURE
46387478 VISA debit TRADITIONAL
407550 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45172630 VISA credit BUSINESS
44159320 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
402722 VISA credit PLATINUM
402285 VISA credit CORPORATE
45170917 VISA credit BUSINESS
45172403 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45172774 VISA debit TRADITIONAL
44158306 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
483093 VISA credit INFINITE
44170701 VISA debit TRADITIONAL
45178851 VISA credit CORPORATE
403817 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
44158463 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
44173284 VISA credit SIGNATURE
45170886 VISA credit SIGNATURE
46387464 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
439170 VISA credit CORPORATE
441593 VISA credit NULL
45179108 VISA credit GOLD
44159192 VISA credit ELECTRON
45172433 VISA credit BUSINESS
44173300 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
44158104 VISA credit GOLD
45172305 VISA debit TRADITIONAL
45172773 VISA debit TRADITIONAL
451477 VISA credit PLATINUM
426017 VISA credit STANDARD
491297 VISA debit CLASSIC
400943 VISA credit STANDARD
404901 VISA credit CLASSIC
45379276 VISA credit SIGNATURE
45379323 VISA credit SIGNATURE
45379293 VISA credit SIGNATURE
45172607 VISA credit BUSINESS
45111719 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
441741 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45379324 VISA credit SIGNATURE
45179040 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45179052 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45379261 VISA credit BUSINESS
45179067 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45179063 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45111553 VISA credit TRADITIONAL

1035 lisää Iin / BIN ...

VISA 🡒 Costa Rica : Maissa

Costa Rica IIN / BIN List Costa Rica (1030 BINs)

VISA 🡒 Costa Rica : Luettelo pankkien BINista

Banco Popular Y De Desarrollo Comunal (133 BINs löydetty) Aval Card (costa Rica), S.a. (114 BINs löydetty) Inversiones Fedeban, S.a. (92 BINs löydetty) Bank Of Nova Scotia (80 BINs löydetty)
Caribbean Commercial Bank (anguilla), Ltd. (59 BINs löydetty) Ath Costa Rica, S.a. (43 BINs löydetty) Banco Elca, S.a. (38 BINs löydetty) Banco Del Istmo (costa Rica), S.a. (30 BINs löydetty)
Banco De Costa Rica (24 BINs löydetty) Banco Promerica De Costa Rica, S.a. (20 BINs löydetty) F And M Bank - Winchester (20 BINs löydetty) Banco Nacional De Costa Rica (18 BINs löydetty)
Banco Citibank De Costa Rica, S.a. (16 BINs löydetty) Banco Del Bajio, S.a. (15 BINs löydetty) Banco Lafise, S.a. (14 BINs löydetty) Banco Hsbc (costa Rica), S.a. (10 BINs löydetty)
Scotiabank De Costa Rica, S.a. (10 BINs löydetty) Vales Intercontinentales, S.a. (10 BINs löydetty) Banco Credito Agricola De Cartago (8 BINs löydetty) Cititarjetas De Costa Rica, S.a. (8 BINs löydetty)
La Federation Des Caisses Desjardins Du Quebec (8 BINs löydetty) Banca Promerica, S.a. (7 BINs löydetty) Banco Banex, S.a. (7 BINs löydetty) American Bank (6 BINs löydetty)
Tarjetas Bct, S.a. (6 BINs löydetty) BANCO POPULAR Y DE DESARROLLO COMUNAL (5 BINs löydetty) Banco Cathay De Costa Rica, S.a. (5 BINs löydetty) Banco Cuscatlan De Costa Rica, S.a. (5 BINs löydetty)
Banco Improsa, S.a. (5 BINs löydetty) First Financial Bank, N.a. (5 BINs löydetty) Banco General (costa Rica), S.a. (4 BINs löydetty) Banco Uno, S.a. (4 BINs löydetty)
Bancolombia, S.a. (3 BINs löydetty) CB DIALOG-OPTIM (3 BINs löydetty) INVERSIONES FEDEBAN, S.A. (3 BINs löydetty) Tarjetas Bfa, S.a. (3 BINs löydetty)
Teller, A.s. (3 BINs löydetty) AVAL CARD (COSTA RICA), S.A. (2 BINs löydetty) Banco Bac San Jose, S.a. (2 BINs löydetty) Banco Gerencial And Fiduciario Dominicano, S.a. (2 BINs löydetty)
Banco Interfin, S.a. (2 BINs löydetty) Bicsacard, S.a. (2 BINs löydetty) Charles Schwab Bank (2 BINs löydetty) ATH COSTA RICA, S.A. (1 BINs löydetty)
BANCO DE COSTA RICA (1 BINs löydetty) Bac International Bank (1 BINs löydetty) Banco Bantec Cq, S.a. (1 BINs löydetty) Banco Promerica (1 BINs löydetty)
Bancodecostarica (1 BINs löydetty) Banex Inversiones, S.a. (1 BINs löydetty) CITIZENS BANK OF CANADA / VANCOUVER CITY SAVINGS C.U. (1 BINs löydetty) Citibank International (1 BINs löydetty)
Credix Internacional, S.a. (1 BINs löydetty) Crest, S.a. (1 BINs löydetty) Inversiones Itsmicas Bancrecen, S.a. (1 BINs löydetty) JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A. (1 BINs löydetty)
M AND T BANK, N.A. (1 BINs löydetty) Metroban, S.a. (1 BINs löydetty) Procard De Costa Rica, S.a. (1 BINs löydetty) Prosix, S.a. (1 BINs löydetty)
Tecnicard, Inc. (1 BINs löydetty) Visa Norge A/s (1 BINs löydetty) Wells Fargo Bank, N.a. (1 BINs löydetty)

VISA 🡒 Costa Rica : Korttityypit

credit (795 BINs löydetty) debit (215 BINs löydetty) charge (20 BINs löydetty)

VISA 🡒 Costa Rica : Korttimerkit

traditional (465 BINs löydetty) business (143 BINs löydetty) null (85 BINs löydetty) signature (75 BINs löydetty)
gold (74 BINs löydetty) platinum (56 BINs löydetty) infinite (37 BINs löydetty) classic (29 BINs löydetty)
standard (25 BINs löydetty) electron (14 BINs löydetty) gold premium (9 BINs löydetty) corporate (8 BINs löydetty)
purchasing (8 BINs löydetty) corporate t e (1 BINs löydetty) premier (1 BINs löydetty)
VISA 🡒 Costa Rica BIN List

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