VISA 🡒 Aruba BIN List

Table of Contents

Country Issuer Information

Flag Code Name Numeric Latitude Longitude
Aruba IIN / BIN List AW Aruba 533 12.52111 -69.968338

VISA 🡒 Aruba : IIN / BIN List

BIN Network Company Card Type Card Level
45769111 VISA credit BUSINESS
45203950 VISA credit PLATINUM
45203939 VISA credit GOLD
45203943 VISA credit GOLD
45769116 VISA credit BUSINESS
45203927 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45769106 VISA credit BUSINESS
45769016 VISA credit GOLD
45203942 VISA credit GOLD
45769115 VISA credit BUSINESS
45769019 VISA credit GOLD
492027 VISA credit GOLD
45769100 VISA credit BUSINESS
45769112 VISA credit BUSINESS
45203957 VISA credit BUSINESS
45203930 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
456384 VISA credit GOLD
45769003 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45769109 VISA credit BUSINESS
45203962 VISA credit BUSINESS
45769027 VISA credit PLATINUM
45203970 VISA credit BUSINESS
456308 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45203944 VISA credit GOLD
416439 VISA credit STANDARD
403720 VISA debit INFINITE
492429 VISA credit CLASSIC
45203968 VISA credit BUSINESS
45203956 VISA credit BUSINESS
441186 VISA credit BUSINESS
45769024 VISA credit PLATINUM
45203963 VISA credit BUSINESS
45203946 VISA credit PLATINUM
45769022 VISA credit PLATINUM
45769114 VISA credit BUSINESS
45769026 VISA credit PLATINUM
45203969 VISA credit BUSINESS
45769005 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
473125 VISA credit STANDARD
45203947 VISA credit PLATINUM
45769023 VISA credit PLATINUM
45769119 VISA credit BUSINESS
45203954 VISA credit PLATINUM
45769025 VISA credit PLATINUM
45769110 VISA credit BUSINESS
45769004 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45203948 VISA credit PLATINUM
45769007 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45203958 VISA credit BUSINESS
45769011 VISA credit GOLD
45769103 VISA credit BUSINESS
45769006 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45203959 VISA credit BUSINESS
45769000 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45203960 VISA credit BUSINESS
45203931 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45769101 VISA credit BUSINESS
430288 VISA credit PLATINUM
45203961 VISA credit BUSINESS
45769117 VISA credit BUSINESS
45203971 VISA credit BUSINESS
45203972 VISA credit BUSINESS
45769008 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45769009 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45769029 VISA credit PLATINUM
45769104 VISA credit BUSINESS
45769010 VISA credit GOLD
430300 VISA credit STANDARD

4329 more IIN / BIN ...

VISA 🡒 Aruba : Countries

Aruba IIN / BIN List Aruba (112 BINs)

VISA 🡒 Aruba : List of BINs from Banks

Toronto-dominion Bank (43 BINs found) RBTT BANK ARUBA, N.V. (5 BINs found) Aruba Bank, N.v. (4 BINs found) Rbtt Bank Aruba, N.v. (4 BINs found)
ARUBA BANK, N.V. (1 BINs found) ASIA TRUST AND INVESTMENT CORPORATION (1 BINs found) Banco Di Caribe, N.v. (1 BINs found) Caribbean Mercantile Bank, N.v. (1 BINs found)
Interbank Aruba, N.v. (1 BINs found)

VISA 🡒 Aruba : Card Types

credit (107 BINs found) debit (5 BINs found)

VISA 🡒 Aruba : Card Brands

business (40 BINs found) traditional (24 BINs found) gold (21 BINs found) platinum (21 BINs found)
standard (3 BINs found) classic (1 BINs found) gold premium (1 BINs found) infinite (1 BINs found)
VISA 🡒 Aruba BIN List

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