New Zealand dollar (NZD) 🡒 STANDARD BIN列表


New Zealand dollar (NZD) 🡒 STANDARD : IIN / BIN列表

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New Zealand dollar (NZD) 🡒 STANDARD : 国家

New Zealand IIN / BIN List New Zealand (29 BINs) Cook Islands IIN / BIN List Cook Islands (4 BINs)

New Zealand dollar (NZD) 🡒 STANDARD : BIN列表来自银行

Westpac Banking Corporation (3 BINs 发现) Anz Banking Group (2 BINs 发现) Anz National Bank, Ltd. (2 BINs 发现) Asb Bank Limited (2 BINs 发现)
Australia And New Zealand Banking Group, Ltd. (2 BINs 发现) Bank Of New Zealand (2 BINs 发现) FIRST TENNESSEE BANK, N.A. (2 BINs 发现) Visa New Zealand (2 BINs 发现)
ANZ NATIONAL BANK, LTD. (1 BINs 发现) Anz Grindlays Bank, Ltd. (1 BINs 发现) Asb Bank (1 BINs 发现) Cards Nz, Ltd. (1 BINs 发现)
Europay 6000 (1 BINs 发现) First Usa Bank (1 BINs 发现) Germantown Federal Savings Bank (1 BINs 发现) KIWIBANK, LTD. (1 BINs 发现)
Kiwibank, Ltd. (1 BINs 发现) MASTERCARD FRANCE S.A.S. (1 BINs 发现) Metabank (1 BINs 发现) Midwest Payment Systems, Inc. (1 BINs 发现)
National Bank Of New Zealand, Ltd. (1 BINs 发现) Westpac New Zealand, Ltd. (1 BINs 发现)

New Zealand dollar (NZD) 🡒 STANDARD : 卡网络

MASTERCARD (17 BINs 发现) VISA (16 BINs 发现)

New Zealand dollar (NZD) 🡒 STANDARD : 卡片类型

credit (32 BINs 发现) debit (1 BINs 发现)

New Zealand dollar (NZD) 🡒 STANDARD : 卡片品牌

standard (33 BINs 发现)
New Zealand dollar (NZD) 🡒 STANDARD  BIN列表

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