2. Khas BIN Nomer - Indian rupee (INR) 🡒 Union Bank Of India
3. Negara - Indian rupee (INR) 🡒 Union Bank Of India
4. Kabeh Bank - Indian rupee (INR) 🡒 Union Bank Of India
5. Jaringan Kartu - Indian rupee (INR) 🡒 Union Bank Of India
612 liyane Iin / BIN ...
India (30 BINs) |
UNION BANK OF INDIA (17 BINs ketemu) | Union Bank Of India (13 BINs ketemu) |
VISA (14 BINs ketemu) | RUPAY (10 BINs ketemu) | MASTERCARD (6 BINs ketemu) |
classic (9 BINs ketemu) | traditional (5 BINs ketemu) | debit (3 BINs ketemu) | platinum (3 BINs ketemu) |
debit platinum (2 BINs ketemu) | gold (2 BINs ketemu) | prepaid (2 BINs ketemu) | commercial debit (1 BINs ketemu) |
prepaid reloadable (1 BINs ketemu) | signature (1 BINs ketemu) | standard (1 BINs ketemu) |
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