V PAY 🡒 VISA BIN Danh sách

Mục lục

V PAY 🡒 VISA : IIN / BIN Danh sách

BIN Công ty Mạng Loại thẻ Thẻ Cấp
45580815 VISA debit V PAY
45580880 VISA debit V PAY
45580644 VISA debit V PAY
48225335 VISA debit V PAY
45580510 VISA debit V PAY
45581170 VISA debit V PAY
482252 VISA debit V PAY
488060 VISA debit V PAY
45580414 VISA debit V PAY
48225132 VISA debit V PAY
437089 VISA debit V PAY
48223978 VISA debit V PAY
437136 VISA debit V PAY
45580598 VISA debit V PAY
48225323 VISA debit V PAY
482592 VISA debit V PAY
458961 VISA debit V PAY
45580764 VISA debit V PAY
482574 VISA debit V PAY
45580487 VISA debit V PAY
45580365 VISA debit V PAY
48225114 VISA debit V PAY
45580733 VISA debit V PAY
45581213 VISA debit V PAY
45580355 VISA debit V PAY
482559 VISA debit V PAY
45580835 VISA debit V PAY
45581116 VISA debit V PAY
45580359 VISA debit V PAY
437038 VISA debit V PAY
48225322 VISA debit V PAY
482531 VISA debit V PAY
48229341 VISA debit V PAY
48225109 VISA debit V PAY
482579 VISA debit V PAY
45580705 VISA debit V PAY
48225348 VISA debit V PAY
45580579 VISA debit V PAY
437290 VISA debit V PAY
48225101 VISA debit V PAY
48223953 VISA debit V PAY
44435329 VISA debit V PAY
45580954 VISA debit V PAY
45581104 VISA debit V PAY
45580787 VISA debit V PAY
48223938 VISA debit V PAY
45580463 VISA debit V PAY
45580626 VISA debit V PAY
45580549 VISA debit V PAY
45580694 VISA debit V PAY
48225184 VISA debit V PAY
48229304 VISA debit V PAY
45580607 VISA debit V PAY
45581107 VISA debit V PAY
45581188 VISA debit V PAY
48229388 VISA debit V PAY
45580982 VISA debit V PAY
408707 VISA debit V PAY
48225173 VISA debit V PAY
45581250 VISA debit V PAY
45580483 VISA debit V PAY
48225308 VISA debit V PAY
458650 VISA debit V PAY
437298 VISA debit V PAY
45580698 VISA debit V PAY
45581295 VISA debit V PAY
48225121 VISA debit V PAY
45580503 VISA debit V PAY
48229399 VISA debit V PAY
45580998 VISA debit V PAY

5049 nhiều IIN / BIN ...

V PAY 🡒 VISA : Các nước

Luxembourg (834 BINs) Germany (596 BINs) Austria (125 BINs) Italy (47 BINs)
Switzerland (43 BINs) France (17 BINs) The Netherlands (15 BINs) United States (13 BINs)
Bulgaria (8 BINs) Russian Federation (5 BINs) United Kingdom (4 BINs) Belgium (3 BINs)
San Marino (3 BINs) Poland (1 BINs) Portugal (1 BINs) South Korea (1 BINs)
Spain (1 BINs)

V PAY 🡒 VISA : Danh sách BIN từ Banks

Credit Agricole, S.a. (452 BINs tìm) Caisse Nationale De Credit Agricole (345 BINs tìm) Firstar Bank Usa (78 BINs tìm) Services C.u. (31 BINs tìm)
Dz Bank Ag (24 BINs tìm) Wgz Bank Ag Westdeutsche Genossenschafts-zentralbank (19 BINs tìm) FIRSTAR BANK USA (18 BINs tìm) Chase Bank Usa, N.a. (9 BINs tìm)
First Usa Bank, N.a. (8 BINs tìm) Icba Bancard (6 BINs tìm) Unicredit Bulbank A.d. (6 BINs tìm) Unicredit S.p.a. (5 BINs tìm)
VISA AUSTRIA (5 BINs tìm) Bnp Paribas (3 BINs tìm) Deutscher Sparkassen Und Giroverband (3 BINs tìm) Mbna America (delaware), N.a. (2 BINs tìm)
Ath Costa Rica, S.a. (1 BINs tìm) BANCA ANTONVENETA S.P.A. (1 BINs tìm) BANCA CARIGE S.P.A. (1 BINs tìm) BANCA MONTE DEI PASCHI DI SIENA S.P.A. (1 BINs tìm)
Banca Carige S.p.a. (1 BINs tìm) Banca Di Sassari S.p.a. (1 BINs tìm) Bank Of America, N.a. (1 BINs tìm) Bank Zachodni Wbk, S.a. (1 BINs tìm)
Bulgarian-american Credit Bank Ad (1 BINs tìm) Card Services For Credit Unions, Inc. (1 BINs tìm) Cartasi S.p.a. (1 BINs tìm) Cassa Di Risparmio Di San Miniato S.p.a. (1 BINs tìm)
Dexia Banque Internationale A Luxembourg, S.a. (1 BINs tìm) Entreprise Des Postes Et Telecommunications (1 BINs tìm) Finecobank S.p.a. (1 BINs tìm) Hana Bank (1 BINs tìm)
INTERPAY NEDERLAND B.V. (1 BINs tìm) Ing Direct, N.v. (1 BINs tìm) Ing Luxembourg, S.a. (1 BINs tìm) Six Multipay Ag (1 BINs tìm)
Societe Generale (1 BINs tìm) Tbi Credit Ead (1 BINs tìm) Visalux S.c. (1 BINs tìm) YORKSHIRE BANK (1 BINs tìm)

V PAY 🡒 VISA : Mạng thẻ

VISA (1717 BINs tìm)

V PAY 🡒 VISA : Các loại thẻ

debit (1711 BINs tìm) credit (6 BINs tìm)