2. Typical BIN Numbers - United States (US) 🡒 First-citizens Bank And Trust Company
3. All Banks - United States (US) 🡒 First-citizens Bank And Trust Company
4. Card Networks - United States (US) 🡒 First-citizens Bank And Trust Company
5. Card Types - United States (US) 🡒 First-citizens Bank And Trust Company
6. Card Brands - United States (US) 🡒 First-citizens Bank And Trust Company
Flag | Code | Name | Numeric | Latitude | Longitude |
US | United States | 840 | 37.09024 | -95.712891 |
Name | Website | Phone | City |
First-citizens Bank And Trust Company | www.firstcitizens.com | (1.888.323.4732) |
720 more IIN / BIN ...
First-citizens Bank And Trust Company (134 BINs found) | FIRST-CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY (1 BINs found) |
VISA (133 BINs found) | MASTERCARD (2 BINs found) |
traditional (119 BINs found) | business (5 BINs found) | classic (4 BINs found) | standard (2 BINs found) |
corporate (1 BINs found) | debit business (1 BINs found) | infinite (1 BINs found) | platinum (1 BINs found) |
prepaid (1 BINs found) |