2. Khas BIN Nomer - The Netherlands (NL) 🡒 First Data Corporation
3. Kabeh Bank - The Netherlands (NL) 🡒 First Data Corporation
4. Jaringan Kartu - The Netherlands (NL) 🡒 First Data Corporation
5. Jenis Kartu - The Netherlands (NL) 🡒 First Data Corporation
6. Merek Kartu - The Netherlands (NL) 🡒 First Data Corporation
Flag | Code | Jeneng | numerik | Latitude | Bujur |
NL | The Netherlands | 528 | 52.132633 | 5.291266 |
Jeneng | web | Phone | Kutha |
First Data Corporation | www.firstdata.com | +1 888-477-3611 |
480 liyane Iin / BIN ...
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