South Africa (ZA) 🡒 BUSINESS carte BIN Liste

Table des matières

Renseignements sur l'émetteur de pays

Indicateur Code Nom Numérique Latitude Longitude
ZA South Africa 710 -30.559482 22.937506

South Africa (ZA) 🡒 BUSINESS carte : Liste IIN / BIN

BIN Réseau Entreprise Type de carte Niveau de carte
46126545 VISA debit BUSINESS
46126572 VISA debit BUSINESS
46124354 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170631 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170647 VISA debit BUSINESS
46124359 VISA debit BUSINESS
44893253 VISA credit BUSINESS
46124347 VISA debit BUSINESS
44166687 VISA debit BUSINESS
44893228 VISA credit BUSINESS
44893265 VISA credit BUSINESS
44893317 VISA credit BUSINESS
44170607 VISA debit BUSINESS
46126588 VISA debit BUSINESS
46126556 VISA debit BUSINESS
44893301 VISA credit BUSINESS
44170661 VISA debit BUSINESS
44893298 VISA credit BUSINESS
44166660 VISA debit BUSINESS
44166684 VISA debit BUSINESS
44697594 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170621 VISA debit BUSINESS
46126573 VISA debit BUSINESS
46126590 VISA debit BUSINESS
44892767 VISA credit BUSINESS
44892779 VISA credit BUSINESS
44892750 VISA credit BUSINESS
44892786 VISA credit BUSINESS
44892798 VISA credit BUSINESS
44166728 VISA debit BUSINESS
44893279 VISA credit BUSINESS
44893219 VISA credit BUSINESS
417290 VISA credit BUSINESS
44697590 VISA debit BUSINESS
44893231 VISA credit BUSINESS
44893250 VISA credit BUSINESS
44892753 VISA credit BUSINESS
46126546 VISA debit BUSINESS
44893293 VISA credit BUSINESS
44893251 VISA credit BUSINESS
46124360 VISA debit BUSINESS
463635 VISA debit BUSINESS
44893263 VISA credit BUSINESS
46126589 VISA debit BUSINESS
44893201 VISA credit BUSINESS
455077 VISA debit BUSINESS
412506 VISA debit BUSINESS
422254 VISA credit BUSINESS
44893230 VISA credit BUSINESS
46126574 VISA debit BUSINESS
44893275 VISA credit BUSINESS
44697591 VISA debit BUSINESS
44893287 VISA credit BUSINESS
44170595 VISA debit BUSINESS
424518 VISA credit BUSINESS
44170610 VISA debit BUSINESS
44166665 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170622 VISA debit BUSINESS
44892787 VISA credit BUSINESS
44166682 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170594 VISA debit BUSINESS
44166645 VISA debit BUSINESS
44892778 VISA credit BUSINESS
44170659 VISA debit BUSINESS
44166729 VISA debit BUSINESS
460001 VISA debit BUSINESS

492 plus IIN / BIN ...

South Africa (ZA) 🡒 BUSINESS carte : Liste des BIN des banques

National City Bank (173 BINs trouvé) Banco Elca, S.a. (73 BINs trouvé) Bank Of America (24 BINs trouvé) Firstrand Bank, Ltd. (7 BINs trouvé)
Absa Group, Ltd. (6 BINs trouvé) Bank Of America, N.a. (6 BINs trouvé) Mitsubishi Ufj Financial Group, Inc. (4 BINs trouvé) Nedbank, Ltd. (4 BINs trouvé)
Mercantile Bank, Ltd. (3 BINs trouvé) Absa Bank, Ltd. (2 BINs trouvé) NEDBANK, LTD. (2 BINs trouvé) ABSA BANK, LTD. (1 BINs trouvé)
Banco Popular De Puerto Rico (1 BINs trouvé) Bankcard Service Japan Co., Ltd. (1 BINs trouvé) Bidvest Bank (1 BINs trouvé) FIRST TENNESSEE BANK, N.A. (1 BINs trouvé)
Interbank (1 BINs trouvé) Investec (1 BINs trouvé) Investec Bank, Ltd. (1 BINs trouvé) M And I (marshall And Ilsley) Bank (1 BINs trouvé)
Nedcor Bank, Ltd. (1 BINs trouvé) Rand Merchant Bank (1 BINs trouvé) Standard Bank Of South Africa (1 BINs trouvé) Standard Bank Of South Africa, Ltd. (1 BINs trouvé)

South Africa (ZA) 🡒 BUSINESS carte : Réseaux de cartes

VISA (468 BINs trouvé) MASTERCARD (7 BINs trouvé)

South Africa (ZA) 🡒 BUSINESS carte : Types de carte

debit (272 BINs trouvé) credit (203 BINs trouvé)

South Africa (ZA) 🡒 BUSINESS carte : Marques de cartes

business (475 BINs trouvé)
South Africa BIN Liste