

フラグ コード 名前 数値 Latitude 経度
TW Taiwan 158 23.69781 120.960515

SIGNATURE 🡒 Taiwan : IIN / BINリスト

BIN ネットワーク会社 カードの種類 カードレベル
42844079 VISA credit SIGNATURE
463789 VISA credit SIGNATURE
45631851 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844037 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009249 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009261 VISA credit SIGNATURE
467892 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844024 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844036 VISA credit SIGNATURE
45030708 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844080 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009304 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844032 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844038 VISA credit SIGNATURE
437722 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009300 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009340 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009323 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009286 VISA credit SIGNATURE
45631350 VISA credit SIGNATURE
477787 VISA debit SIGNATURE
48009262 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009283 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844039 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009322 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844010 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844035 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009305 VISA credit SIGNATURE
46367067 VISA credit SIGNATURE
478678 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844040 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844011 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844090 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844062 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009271 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009252 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844051 VISA credit SIGNATURE
45030709 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009264 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844034 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009318 VISA credit SIGNATURE
498713 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009295 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009299 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844061 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009275 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844025 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009325 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009301 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009251 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009278 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844066 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844070 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844058 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844026 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844078 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009272 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009319 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009521 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009584 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009296 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009244 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48068179 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009256 VISA credit SIGNATURE
471235 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009324 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009328 VISA credit SIGNATURE
414762 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48068163 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009281 VISA credit SIGNATURE

3050 IIN / BINの詳細 ...

SIGNATURE 🡒 Taiwan : 国

Taiwan (244 BINs)

SIGNATURE 🡒 Taiwan : 銀行からのBINのリスト

Mbna America Bank (111 BINs 見つけた) Citibank Taiwan, Ltd. (101 BINs 見つけた) Australia And New Zealand Banking Group, Ltd. (4 BINs 見つけた) Hsbc Bank (taiwan), Ltd. (3 BINs 見つけた)
Bank Sinopac (1 BINs 見つけた) Cathay United Bank (1 BINs 見つけた) Chinatrust Commercial Bank (1 BINs 見つけた) Cosmos Bank, Taiwan (1 BINs 見つけた)
E. Sun Commercial Bank, Ltd. (1 BINs 見つけた) First Commercial Bank (1 BINs 見つけた) Ta Chong Bank, Ltd. (1 BINs 見つけた) Taishin International Bank (1 BINs 見つけた)
Taiwan Shin Kong Commercial Bank (1 BINs 見つけた) Union Bank Of Taiwan (1 BINs 見つけた) WELLS FARGO BANK NEVADA, N.A. (1 BINs 見つけた)

SIGNATURE 🡒 Taiwan : カードネットワーク

VISA (244 BINs 見つけた)

SIGNATURE 🡒 Taiwan : カードの種類

credit (243 BINs 見つけた) debit (1 BINs 見つけた)