SIGNATURE 🡒 Saudi Arabia BIN List

Table of Contents

Country Issuer Information

Flag Code Name Numeric Latitude Longitude
SA Saudi Arabia 682 23.885942 45.079162

SIGNATURE 🡒 Saudi Arabia : IIN / BIN List

BIN Network Company Card Type Card Level
44444382 VISA debit SIGNATURE
44532824 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44444369 VISA debit SIGNATURE
44530327 VISA credit SIGNATURE
437977 VISA credit SIGNATURE
46012117 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44444368 VISA debit SIGNATURE
46012175 VISA credit SIGNATURE
46012166 VISA credit SIGNATURE
46019010 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44530350 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44530345 VISA credit SIGNATURE
46012155 VISA credit SIGNATURE
46012140 VISA credit SIGNATURE
473828 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44532822 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44532853 VISA credit SIGNATURE
46012131 VISA credit SIGNATURE
485042 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44642240 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44532810 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44532848 VISA credit SIGNATURE
446673 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44530353 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44727724 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44523989 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44530373 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44530333 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44530381 VISA credit SIGNATURE
46012150 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44642267 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44530326 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44444371 VISA debit SIGNATURE
44530306 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44444367 VISA debit SIGNATURE
44642239 VISA credit SIGNATURE
46012172 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44532823 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44444385 VISA debit SIGNATURE
44530374 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44530334 VISA credit SIGNATURE
46012154 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44532849 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44727701 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44530325 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44523988 VISA credit SIGNATURE
46012114 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44642241 VISA credit SIGNATURE
46012171 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44532816 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44523987 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44530352 VISA credit SIGNATURE
46019007 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44530382 VISA credit SIGNATURE
46012139 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44444384 VISA debit SIGNATURE
446392 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44532808 VISA credit SIGNATURE
46012186 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44444372 VISA debit SIGNATURE
44532820 VISA credit SIGNATURE
46012152 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44530324 VISA credit SIGNATURE
46012189 VISA credit SIGNATURE
46019004 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44530304 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44532856 VISA credit SIGNATURE
46012115 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44727723 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44444394 VISA debit SIGNATURE

2392 more IIN / BIN ...

SIGNATURE 🡒 Saudi Arabia : Countries

Saudi Arabia (327 BINs)

SIGNATURE 🡒 Saudi Arabia : List of BINs from Banks

Bnp Paribas (87 BINs found) Bankfirst (85 BINs found) Suntrust Bank (53 BINs found) U.s. Bank, N.a. (41 BINs found)
Colorado Springs C.u. (8 BINs found) DEUTSCHE BANK AG (5 BINs found) Deutsche Bank Ag (5 BINs found) Aval Card (costa Rica), S.a. (2 BINs found)
Riyad (2 BINs found) ANZ BANK, LTD. (1 BINs found) Al Rajhi Banking And Investment Corp. (1 BINs found) SAMBA FINANCIAL GROUP (1 BINs found)
Saudi British Bank (1 BINs found)

SIGNATURE 🡒 Saudi Arabia : Card Networks

VISA (327 BINs found)

SIGNATURE 🡒 Saudi Arabia : Card Types

credit (276 BINs found) debit (51 BINs found)