Saudi Arabia (SA) 🡒 SIGNATURE card BIN List

Table of Contents

Country Issuer Information

Flag Code Name Numeric Latitude Longitude
SA Saudi Arabia 682 23.885942 45.079162

Saudi Arabia (SA) 🡒 SIGNATURE card : IIN / BIN List

BIN Network Company Card Type Card Level
44530372 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44444372 VISA debit SIGNATURE
46012160 VISA credit SIGNATURE
46012150 VISA credit SIGNATURE
46012183 VISA credit SIGNATURE
46012137 VISA credit SIGNATURE
462220 VISA debit SIGNATURE
44444392 VISA debit SIGNATURE
46012157 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44532896 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44530365 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44530337 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44530385 VISA credit SIGNATURE
46012145 VISA credit SIGNATURE
46012161 VISA credit SIGNATURE
46012149 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44532832 VISA credit SIGNATURE
46012166 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44530318 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44444398 VISA debit SIGNATURE
46012138 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44532878 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44642240 VISA credit SIGNATURE
46012179 VISA credit SIGNATURE
446673 VISA credit SIGNATURE
46019005 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44530336 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44532846 VISA credit SIGNATURE
46012188 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44532807 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44530366 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44449402 VISA debit SIGNATURE
44642266 VISA credit SIGNATURE
46012192 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44444366 VISA debit SIGNATURE
44444373 VISA debit SIGNATURE
44444395 VISA debit SIGNATURE
46012172 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44532877 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44532849 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44530357 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44530309 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44530384 VISA credit SIGNATURE
46012146 VISA credit SIGNATURE
45170895 VISA debit SIGNATURE
44642238 VISA credit SIGNATURE
46012156 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44530370 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44530374 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44449400 VISA debit SIGNATURE
46012148 VISA credit SIGNATURE
459583 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44532830 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44642241 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44444374 VISA debit SIGNATURE
44697599 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44530348 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44530360 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44530320 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44530308 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44523996 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44642239 VISA credit SIGNATURE
46012121 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44444367 VISA debit SIGNATURE
46012143 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44530303 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44530343 VISA credit SIGNATURE
46012167 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44532853 VISA credit SIGNATURE
46012147 VISA credit SIGNATURE

654 more IIN / BIN ...

Saudi Arabia (SA) 🡒 SIGNATURE card : List of BINs from Banks

Bnp Paribas (87 BINs found) Bankfirst (85 BINs found) Suntrust Bank (53 BINs found) U.s. Bank, N.a. (41 BINs found)
Colorado Springs C.u. (8 BINs found) DEUTSCHE BANK AG (5 BINs found) Deutsche Bank Ag (5 BINs found) Aval Card (costa Rica), S.a. (2 BINs found)
Riyad (2 BINs found) ANZ BANK, LTD. (1 BINs found) Al Rajhi Banking And Investment Corp. (1 BINs found) SAMBA FINANCIAL GROUP (1 BINs found)
Saudi British Bank (1 BINs found)

Saudi Arabia (SA) 🡒 SIGNATURE card : Card Networks

VISA (327 BINs found)

Saudi Arabia (SA) 🡒 SIGNATURE card : Card Types

credit (276 BINs found) debit (51 BINs found)

Saudi Arabia (SA) 🡒 SIGNATURE card : Card Brands

signature (327 BINs found)
Saudi Arabia BIN List