3. Kaikki pankit - Kazakhstan (KZ) 🡒 University And State Employees Credit Union Of San Diego
4. Korttiverkot - Kazakhstan (KZ) 🡒 University And State Employees Credit Union Of San Diego
5. Korttityypit - Kazakhstan (KZ) 🡒 University And State Employees Credit Union Of San Diego
6. Korttimerkit - Kazakhstan (KZ) 🡒 University And State Employees Credit Union Of San Diego
Flag | Koodi | Nimi | numeerinen | Leveysaste | Pituus |
KZ | Kazakhstan | 398 | 48.019573 | 66.923684 |
Nimi | Verkkosivujen | Puhelin | Kaupunki |
University And State Employees Credit Union Of San Diego | www.usecu.org | (858) 795-6100 |
BIN | Network Company | Kortin tyyppi | Card Level |
44523894 | VISA | debit | GOLD |
44523898 | VISA | debit | GOLD |
44523897 | VISA | debit | GOLD |
44523895 | VISA | debit | GOLD |
44523899 | VISA | debit | GOLD |
44523896 | VISA | debit | GOLD |
44523879 | VISA | debit | TRADITIONAL |
44523886 | VISA | debit | BUSINESS |
44523888 | VISA | debit | TRADITIONAL |
44523880 | VISA | debit | TRADITIONAL |
44523882 | VISA | debit | PLATINUM |
44523883 | VISA | debit | PLATINUM |
44523884 | VISA | debit | TRADITIONAL |
44523885 | VISA | debit | TRADITIONAL |
504 lisää Iin / BIN ...
University And State Employees Credit Union Of San Diego (14 BINs löydetty) |
VISA (14 BINs löydetty) |
debit (14 BINs löydetty) |
gold (6 BINs löydetty) | traditional (5 BINs löydetty) | platinum (2 BINs löydetty) | business (1 BINs löydetty) |