2. Tyypilliset BIN-numerot - Jordan (JO) 🡒 PLATINUM kortti
3. Kaikki pankit - Jordan (JO) 🡒 PLATINUM kortti
4. Korttiverkot - Jordan (JO) 🡒 PLATINUM kortti
606 lisää Iin / BIN ...
Arab Bank Plc (226 BINs löydetty) | Mitsubishi Ufj Financial Group, Inc. (104 BINs löydetty) | Caisse Nationale Des Caisses D'epargne (cnce) (18 BINs löydetty) | Invest Bank Plc (2 BINs löydetty) |
Arab Banking Corporation (jordan) (1 BINs löydetty) | Bank Audi S.a.l. - Audi Saradar Group (1 BINs löydetty) | Bankthai Public Co., Ltd. (1 BINs löydetty) | Cairo Amman Bank (1 BINs löydetty) |
Caixa Economica Federal (1 BINs löydetty) | Frankfurter Volksbank Eg (1 BINs löydetty) | Housing Bank For Trade And Finance (1 BINs löydetty) | International Card Co., Ltd. (1 BINs löydetty) |
JORDAN AHLI BANK (1 BINs löydetty) | Jordan Investment And Finance Bank (1 BINs löydetty) | National Bank Of Kuwait, S.a.k. (1 BINs löydetty) | Norwest Bank Iowa N.a. (1 BINs löydetty) |
Park National Bank (1 BINs löydetty) | Union Bank For Savings And Investment (1 BINs löydetty) | Union Bank Plc. Co. (1 BINs löydetty) |
VISA (373 BINs löydetty) | MASTERCARD (8 BINs löydetty) |
platinum (381 BINs löydetty) |